just wanted to let you guys know i been neglecting you because i had that mma fight last weekend. i won by knockout, it was alot of fun. hey i just wanted to say thanks to anyone who gave me advice like mn and a few others. cutting weight also sucks alot. couple things i learned.

albolene, a makeup remover/skin moisterizer is a great way to open up the pours and get some extra sweat out in the sauna. get it at walgreens...

avoid dry saunas, they are miserable at at temperature that will make you sweat.

make sure you carb cycle the last few days. this worked great for me and i bounced right back.

caffine can be a lifesaver, not only will it keep you energized while carb depleted and supress appetite, its diuretic effect will help you squeeze out extra water. be careful in the sauna...

try to avoid sodium the last 24-48 hours before weigh ins...you shouldnt be eating much anyway, but avoid excessive sodium.

after weigh ins, grab some pedialite and slowly rehydrate. pedialite is what your mommy gave you when you threw up alot or had diarreah, it helps get blood levels of electrolytes, sugars, ect. back up better than gatorade or water.

overall good experience, i wouldnt recommend trying to cut any more than like 4 or 5 pounds of pure water weight. pre sauna i hadnt had any fluids in 12 hours so if you have it might be different, but i wouldnt try to cut more than 4 or 5 after already depleting yourself...

i dieted down to 167 for three or four weeks from 180, i cut out most food and water 2 days before and weighed 161 3 hours before weigh-ins and sucked the last few with albolene and 15 min in 15 min out sauna trips for a couple hours to make 157. i probably weighed 168-170 while fighting.

thats why i neglected you guys you dont feel like typing when your hungry...i had to stay out of the house, otherwise id eat.

talk at you all later,