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  1. #1
    gottibme is offline Associate Member
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    what did you think?Forrest Vs Jackson

    I seen forest only do good for some legs kicks in round 2 and a triangle choke in the other round but other than he was getting rocked with all kinds of punches,Im not a forrest Griffen hater Im actually a fan of him to but honestly I didnt agree with the judges pick,anyway let me know what you think?

  2. #2
    zimmy's Avatar
    zimmy is offline Anabolic Member
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    many threads on this. Fact was forrest pushed the fight. He got hit alot of times BUT Jackson ate more. Even if Jackson's were harder, you can't discount the amount of them. Not to mention that between jackson and Forrest, Jackson was the one who showed any closeness to be down.

  3. #3
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Being a Jackson fan, I was disappointed in this fight.
    I thought it was closer than the judges did. While Forrest pressed, he never had Jackson in any real danger. He almost had a triangle, but that worked against him as Jackson is known for his slams. That was the closest he came to having anything. In the 2nd, he controlled Jackson on the ground, but only was able to make a few attempts for any submissions.
    Jackson rocking Forrest a few times, IMO puts him closer to winning the fight than a few sub attempts. Something was wrong, considering the judges gave Forrest round 1 (10/9).
    What disappointed me, was Rampage though. He has a remarkable chin, it takes a lot to knock that guy out he might have the best chin in the LHW division (refer to Wandy/Shogun knees). Forrest lacks knock out power and Rampage has that knock out power in both hands. He should have been chasing Forrest on a reckless Rampage instead of trying to counter Forrest’ leg kicks and jabs. He could have knocked him out in round 1 or even 3 if he would have been more aggressive in the stand up against an opponent who cannot knock him out.

  4. #4
    BTBAM's Avatar
    BTBAM is offline Junior Member
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    one of the things that i noticed at the start of the fight, Rampage didnt look the same physically. He looked a lot more out of shape than i have ever seen him.

  5. #5
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    that decision sucked! forrest got rocked a few times and also was knocked down and taken down. i swear 90% of forests strikes in the 3rd and 4th completely missed while the other 10% was split between hitting jackson in the hand/arm and actually landing clean.

  6. #6
    rush_604's Avatar
    rush_604 is offline Associate Member
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    Thought fight could have gone either way, I was pullin for Rampage though. Still can't believe how two judges thought Forrest won round 1

  7. #7
    test_cyp's Avatar
    test_cyp is offline Associate Member
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    I thought Forrest won the fight. He was the aggressor and had the only dominant round of the fight. I had it a little closer than what the judges scored, but a win is a win.

  8. #8
    snapyourneck is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rush_604 View Post
    Thought fight could have gone either way, I was pullin for Rampage though. Still can't believe how two judges thought Forrest won round 1
    i think only 1 judge did... none the less retarded... fight was basically a toss up imo... jackson could have got a 10-8 first round, and now i dont remember which round it was, maybe ?2?, forrest could have got a 10-8 round. jackson let up in the 5th and griffin won that.

    yes page's strikes were very hard and fast, yes forrest got rocked 2-3 times, but jackson really looked 1 dimensional in this fight. When forrest took him down he looked like kimbo on the ground.

    If anything , by page losing it sets up a possible wanderlei-page rematch. Silva has had pages number. And obviously dana white wants a eventual chuck-forrest if/when chuck gets by the boring rashad...

  9. #9
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    It lets the fighter know at anytime they have a chance to win. that is what is great about the mma world. if you have anykind of power and you are not afraid to get in the ring you have a chance. forest is willing to get in with anyone and through down. give hiim is glory.

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