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    Any rugby players here?

    Anyone here play rugby? Just curious.

  2. #2
    DHew's Avatar
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    I guess not. too bad.

  3. #3
    DwinsChamps's Avatar
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    I just got back from the gym and saw the rugby team conditioning...their coaches had them doing wall squats, sets of 2 minutes, while holding 25 lb plates straigt out in front of them and steering back and forth.

  4. #4
    Myka's Avatar
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    hopefully soon...Where do you play?...

  5. #5
    HSV is offline Junior Member
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    All my life.A real contact sport.

  6. #6
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    Anyone here play rugby? Just curious.
    Dont play it (mainly cause nobody in US does) but love to watch it on TV. A real man's sport if you ask me. In American football you can be pretty successful in if you are a fat slob. Dont get me wrong, fat slobs are strong, but just not athletes in my book. And no, I am not a SHW powerlifter

  7. #7
    DwinsChamps's Avatar
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    Dude, the successful fat slobs are actually insane athletes.

  8. #8
    DBflash21 is offline Member
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    Thats why the NFL makes much more $$$ and highly respected as opposed to rugby.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBflash21
    Thats why the NFL makes much more $$$ and highly respected as opposed to rugby.
    No...NFL makes more money in america because it is more attainable to american people...anyone can go out and play football...especially with huge amounts of is a real sport that takes insane amounts of talent agression dedication strength speed...the list goes on...

  10. #10
    DwinsChamps's Avatar
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    Football doesn't require insane amounts of talent, aggression, dedication, strength and speed??

    Just because anyone can "go out and play football" doesn't mean they'll be successful. With your reasoning, anyone can just go out and play rugby, too.

    "Rugby is a real sport." Are you implying that football isn't?? I played high school ball for 4 years and I've seen more broken legs, arms and collar bones and dislocated shoulders, elbows and knees than I can count. Both sports are grueling, but if football isn't a real sport, than rugby sure as hell isn't, either.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwinsChamps
    Football doesn't require insane amounts of talent, aggression, dedication, strength and speed??

    Just because anyone can "go out and play football" doesn't mean they'll be successful. With your reasoning, anyone can just go out and play rugby, too.

    "Rugby is a real sport." Are you implying that football isn't?? I played high school ball for 4 years and I've seen more broken legs, arms and collar bones and dislocated shoulders, elbows and knees than I can count. Both sports are grueling, but if football isn't a real sport, than rugby sure as hell isn't, either.
    Im saying anyone can go out and play a game of football...but you cant play rugby because it takes too much of is a mix of football and soccer except without the PADS! imagine how many of these kids would get hurt in football WITHOUT all the players dont need it...but americans are fragile and exert little effort...therefore strapping on a matress and kicking a ball around is ideal...

  12. #12
    DBflash21 is offline Member
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    Pads or not I'd like to see one of those rugby players go head up with Ray Lewis or Roy Williams... I'm sorry I disagree with you newkid. I doubt anyone in rugby could cover Terrel Owens, or Steve Smith 1 on 1. Also, if you pay attention, A lot of those guys in the NFL don't even wear leg pads, and their shoulder pads are as small as possible, I'm pretty sure they're in as good, or better shape then rugby players.

  13. #13
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBflash21
    Pads or not I'd like to see one of those rugby players go head up with Ray Lewis or Roy Williams... I'm sorry I disagree with you newkid. I doubt anyone in rugby could cover Terrel Owens, or Steve Smith 1 on 1. Also, if you pay attention, A lot of those guys in the NFL don't even wear leg pads, and their shoulder pads are as small as possible, I'm pretty sure they're in as good, or better shape then rugby players.
    That's crap - all the stops in NFL I'd bet money most professional southern hemisphere rugby players are stronger and fitter than football players.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBflash21
    Pads or not I'd like to see one of those rugby players go head up with Ray Lewis or Roy Williams... I'm sorry I disagree with you newkid. I doubt anyone in rugby could cover Terrel Owens, or Steve Smith 1 on 1. Also, if you pay attention, A lot of those guys in the NFL don't even wear leg pads, and their shoulder pads are as small as possible, I'm pretty sure they're in as good, or better shape then rugby players.
    its okay to disagree with me...people do it all the time

    We are probably just biased based on what we have grown up with/participated in...

    Guess we will never know...

  15. #15
    DHew's Avatar
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    Wow, this blew up. Great!

    I have played football from a little kid, into college. I played rugby from 10th grade til present. I gave up my college football career to continue to play rugby. They both are intense sports at that level, but I must say, the intensity of rugby at a college level is MUCH greater. There are so many different aspects, in my mind, that make it the greatest game on earth. The high level of contact with no pads is merely one of many. Sure we can argue back and fourth all day about why the NFL is greater, or how rugby is more of a "manly sport".

    The NFL and other Americanized sports leagues have too many show boat egootistic assholes that are way overpaid to do just that. The best of the players in International rugby teams are paid MAYBE 200,000 a year. Everyone maintains a level of respect for each other, before and AFTER the game. What happens on the pitch (field) stays on the pitch. It is a custom to throw socials for the away team, and party until you can't walk, with them. I love it.

  16. #16
    Myka's Avatar
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    DHew...Ive actually never played...but if I transfer I would very much like to play in their recsport club...their website said even if you have never played to just come to practice etc...

    how do you think I would fair...assuming I am in good shape...I mean is it just something you have to grow up with?...

  17. #17
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    Is it something you have to grow up with? No, not at all. But just like any other sport, the more experience you have had with it, the more you will know about it. And rugby is a game that you HAVE to know what you are doing with. You play every aspect of the game all the time. Your always tackling, passing, rushing, everything. I would say give it a go man. Its really intense at first, and can be overwhelming, but stick to and and you'll definately get the hang of it. I cant really compare it to anything, cause it's like nothing you've ever played. I know for a fact that most club sports welcome new rugby players. Let me know what your going to do.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    Is it something you have to grow up with? No, not at all. But just like any other sport, the more experience you have had with it, the more you will know about it. And rugby is a game that you HAVE to know what you are doing with. You play every aspect of the game all the time. Your always tackling, passing, rushing, everything. I would say give it a go man. Its really intense at first, and can be overwhelming, but stick to and and you'll definately get the hang of it. I cant really compare it to anything, cause it's like nothing you've ever played. I know for a fact that most club sports welcome new rugby players. Let me know what your going to do.

    I was wanting to transfer to UT Knoxville...if I am able to go I will definately try it and stick to sounds really awesome...

  19. #19
    DBflash21 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    its okay to disagree with me...people do it all the time

    We are probably just biased based on what we have grown up with/participated in...

    Guess we will never know...
    You're right, I guess I've just grown up around football my whole life, and played at the college level. They're both cool sports and I enjoy watching both. I'd like to try rugby sometime actually.

  20. #20
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBflash21
    Pads or not I'd like to see one of those rugby players go head up with Ray Lewis or Roy Williams... I'm sorry I disagree with you newkid. I doubt anyone in rugby could cover Terrel Owens, or Steve Smith 1 on 1. Also, if you pay attention, A lot of those guys in the NFL don't even wear leg pads, and their shoulder pads are as small as possible, I'm pretty sure they're in as good, or better shape then rugby players.
    yeah right thats why in the 95 world cup when lomu hit the scene the scouts were out an were offering millions for this 18year old kiwi.
    same as with ben cohen a few seasons he was being pestered to sign for a team over there. and another thing, who the hell is ben cohen, its not like he is huge or spectacular. yeah hes an international and consistent. 6'3 230lbs and fast as fook, but these days you will go far to find an international rugby player who isnt.
    fact is, the nfl offer contracts to guys who have never even been to the us nevermind not having played football at any level.
    they want big hard guys, go to samoa and NZ pick up a few of the Maoris over there they will show you what real athletes are. and i bet there are a massive percentage of players who have never taken roids.
    its all o natural brothers
    Last edited by stee; 03-13-2006 at 12:28 PM.

  21. #21
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBflash21
    You're right, I guess I've just grown up around football my whole life, and played at the college level. They're both cool sports and I enjoy watching both. I'd like to try rugby sometime actually.
    im bias to, but to be honest i would love to play in the NFL all that money and pussy ye ha!!!!

  22. #22
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    DHew...Ive actually never played...but if I transfer I would very much like to play in their recsport club...their website said even if you have never played to just come to practice etc...

    how do you think I would fair...assuming I am in good shape...I mean is it just something you have to grow up with?...
    looking at your stats you are a perfect height and weight. you are young enough, and its up to you where you wanna play really. you are big enough to be a forward and not too big that you wont be able to be fast enough to be in the backs.
    rugby is a game you need to know and understand. its not about getting the ball and crashing in to your nearest enemy.
    its about reading the game, if you can do this you will be a good player. if you cant it will be alot of hard graft to be a good player but it will be all fun. its whats known as having a natural rugby brain.
    so no you dont need to have played from a kid. as all positions are different.
    tell me though what kind of person are you like, are you aggressive?. if so my advise would be to learn how to play in the back row. i have played most positions but the one i love more than any is flanker. just get the basics right, catching passing, and tackling the rest will come, go do it you will love it
    Last edited by stee; 03-13-2006 at 12:47 PM.

  23. #23
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBflash21
    Thats why the NFL makes much more $$$ and highly respected as opposed to rugby.
    its only respected in the USA.
    poeple over here who run the yanks down say that they are no good at anyone elses sports so they invent their own games that no other country wants to play because its crap.
    to me rugby or nothing, so i dont min dyou haveing your own sports. im not bitter like that i have mutual repect for another mans game. except soccer and cricket.

  24. #24
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    yeah right thats why in the 95 world cup when lomu hit the scene the scouts were out an were offering millions for this 18year old kiwi.
    Funny reading this cos Lomu was in my gym tonight!

  25. #25
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior
    Funny reading this cos Lomu was in my gym tonight!
    hows his form in the gym, i was saying the other week when i saw him running out againts perpignan at the start of the season, funny how he dont look as big as he use to when he first hit the scene.
    i still think its good for welsh rugby hes here tho.
    you have a chat with him or you leave him to it?

  26. #26
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    No...NFL makes more money in america because it is more attainable to american people...anyone can go out and play football...especially with huge amounts of is a real sport that takes insane amounts of talent agression dedication strength speed...the list goes on...
    i use to play for my local uni and all the guys who were too crap would get booted out and end up playing American Football.
    my theory is if they can play it anyone can. any one got any contacts for the Dallas cowboys or summin? I more than fancy my chances!!.

  27. #27
    DHew's Avatar
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    Whats up stee? How long have you been playing for? are you in the US?

  28. #28
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    Whats up stee? How long have you been playing for? are you in the US?
    Im not bad man, hows you. Been playing since i was 9, not done so for about 3 seasons tho.
    Not in the US man Im in the north east of england.
    What about you man where abouts are you?

  29. #29
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    I'm doing great. Im in the US, colorado to be more specific. Ive been playing rugby for about 4 years now, but its american rugby - im sure you understand. I love it. Im just excited to see someone else that's into it. I play 8 man for a college team.

  30. #30
    stee is offline Member
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    number 8 is a good position, i play openside flanker.
    Not too sure about your Laws over there but im sure they arent too different to ours as its all controlled by the IRB. I would imagine the game style is a little different tho. mind you its different from club to club.
    Who do you play for?

  31. #31
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    hows his form in the gym, i was saying the other week when i saw him running out againts perpignan at the start of the season, funny how he dont look as big as he use to when he first hit the scene.
    i still think its good for welsh rugby hes here tho.
    you have a chat with him or you leave him to it?
    Left him to it and he left just after I started. I didn't get to see what weight he was shifting cos I was in a different section doing legs.

    It was a surprise to see his physique - not at all muscular and perhaps a little overweight. Moving from meso to endo perhaps.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior
    Left him to it and he left just after I started. I didn't get to see what weight he was shifting cos I was in a different section doing legs.

    It was a surprise to see his physique - not at all muscular and perhaps a little overweight. Moving from meso to endo perhaps.

    ...and this guy is more athletic than all of america's "lazy" football players?

  33. #33
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    Your missing the point. at his prime, he was easily just as, if not more, athletic than most NFL players.

  34. #34
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwinsChamps
    ...and this guy is more athletic than all of america's "lazy" football players?
    yeah you are missing the point man, he was never an endless pit off tallent but the yanks were after him when he was 18 because he just turned pro rugby and was 6'5 140kg and could do the 100m in 11seconds.
    that is by the by now tho, he has been out for about 6 years because he has been on dialysis. he has had it really hard. this is his first season back and to be honest i have every faith in him finding his talent of years gone by.
    I bet he could still make it in the NFL even today. If he gets back in to the All Blacks that will prove what i have just said, because gettin in to that team has got to be the hardest thing to do in rugby.
    but yeah even still he is probably still more athletic than america's "lazy" football players!!!
    Last edited by stee; 03-15-2006 at 04:21 AM.

  35. #35
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwinsChamps
    ...and this guy is more athletic than all of america's "lazy" football players?
    Mate - he's had a full liver transplant and been on death's door for at least a year.

  36. #36
    stee is offline Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lomu1.jpg 
Views:	2119 
Size:	10.8 KB 
ID:	64718

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lomu2.jpg 
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ID:	64719yeah welsh warrior is right he has been very ill for a long time.
    the last major tournement he was in was the world cup 99 and he had already started treament way before that. he missed the last one in 03 and i bet he is deffinately gunning for the one in france next season, in my book he is an amasing athlete to come back from what he has. so up yours mate, you can keep your NFL fat boys. for those who dont know the top pic is when he was 19, fucin legs like a race horse
    Last edited by stee; 03-16-2006 at 07:41 AM.

  37. #37
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Maybe it was kidney and not liver, then!

  38. #38
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior
    Maybe it was kidney and not liver, then!
    to be honest with you i dont think either of them sound too nice to have lol

  39. #39
    DwinsChamps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    so up yours mate, you can keep your NFL fat boys. for those who dont know the top pic is when he was 19, fucin legs like a race horse
    "Up yours mate" is a harsh statement. I'm pretty sure that although I disagree with you and your lousy rugby, I haven't stooped to a level where I need to cheap shot people for their opinions.

    That said, this guy is definitely more athletic than those fat lineman and has some monster legs...but guess what, comparing him to an offensive tackle is like comparing a Ford Explorer to a tractor. Football teams have multiple positions, such as linebacker....and he looks no different then every linebacker who plays for every collegiate and pro football team.

    I love how the second a big strong guy grows up in europe literally every european believes that he must be the biggest, strongest man in the world, better than anything that any other country has to offer. Especially america, because "we're all fat and lazy."

    Well here's the deal...that beastly man would be an average athlete in the nfl, if he even made it that far. Seriously, there's so much competition to get the huge contract here that even the worst nfl players are amazing athletic specimens, and could athletically hold their own vs. the best rugby players in the world.

  40. #40
    Myka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    looking at your stats you are a perfect height and weight. you are young enough, and its up to you where you wanna play really. you are big enough to be a forward and not too big that you wont be able to be fast enough to be in the backs.
    rugby is a game you need to know and understand. its not about getting the ball and crashing in to your nearest enemy.
    its about reading the game, if you can do this you will be a good player. if you cant it will be alot of hard graft to be a good player but it will be all fun. its whats known as having a natural rugby brain.
    so no you dont need to have played from a kid. as all positions are different.
    tell me though what kind of person are you like, are you aggressive?. if so my advise would be to learn how to play in the back row. i have played most positions but the one i love more than any is flanker. just get the basics right, catching passing, and tackling the rest will come, go do it you will love it
    Everyone is always really surprised at how fast I am...I guess they think Im pretty big...yes Im a very aggressive person...suppose thats what turned me on to the sport in the first place...Im really unfamiliar with the terms your using "flanker"...I guess that will come with time...Im really looking forward to this...

    I think I should just transfer to a new college every semester or so...road trip of colleges

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