06-05-2005, 01:29 PM #1
My 2005 Contest Prep...(training Journal)
Monday April 11th
Shoulders, Back, Biceps...
Chins: 5 sets rep till failure
Bent-over Barbell Row:
Set 1 135lbs 15 reps
Set 2 195lbs 15 reps
Set 3 (drop set: from) 5 reps @225lbs (to)- 5 reps@135 lbs
Set 4 195lbs 10 reps
Deadlifts: (forgot my straps at home so my poundage suffered)
Set 1 135lbs 8 reps
Set 2 225lbs 8 reps
Set 3 315lbs 6 reps
set 4 365lbs 2 reps
Power Clean:
3 sets 135 pounds rep till failure
Standing Shoulder Press
3 sets 135 pounds rep till failure
Bent Lateral Raises:
Set 1: 30lb dumbells 15 reps
Set 2: 40lb dumbells 12 reps
Set 3: 60 lb dumbells(drop set) rep till failure... drop to 30lb dumbells...rep till failure
Set 4: 60 lb dumbells(drop set) rep till failure... drop to 40lb dumbells...rep till failure
Standing Barbell Curl
4 sets 105 pounds rep till failure
06-05-2005, 01:30 PM #2
Tuesday 12th April
Started Dieting today...energy low... No carbs 'cept PWO (workout started at 8:30 p.m.)
Leg, Chest, triceps
Set 1: 140 pounds 15 reps
Set 2: (dropset) 320 pounds (3 reps)...230 pounds (4 reps)
Set 3: (dropset) 320 pounds (2 reps)... 230 pounds (4 reps)
Front Squat
Sets 1-3: 140 pounds 6 reps
Set 4: 190 pounds 3 reps
Seated Leg-curl
Set 1: 45 pounds 15 reps
Set 2: 90 pounds 12 reps
Set 3: (dropset) 115 pounds (5 reps)... 70 pounds (10 reps)
Set 4: (dropset) 115 pounds (15 reps)... 70 pounds (8 reps)
Standing Calf-raise
Set 1: 90 pounds 25 reps
Set 2: 180 pounds 21 reps
Set 3: 270 pounds 15 reps (rest, pause)
SEt 4: 270 pounds 12 reps (rest, pause)
Set 5: 270 pounds 12 reps (rest,pause)
Smith Machine...Flat press to throat...
5 Sets: Negatives
Smith Machine Inclines
4 sets: Rep till failure
Skull Crushers
4 sets: Rep till failure
06-05-2005, 01:30 PM #3
Wednesday 13th April
06-05-2005, 01:32 PM #4
Thursday 14th April
Shoulders, Back, and Biceps
Today's repeat of Monday's workout is with different emphasis. Monday's session emphasized back..whereas this put SHoulders foremost in the workout.
Power Clean (preceded by 3 warmup sets with the bare bar)
Set 1: 125 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 175 lbs: 5 reps
Set 3: 215 lbs: 2 reps (personal record)
Set 4: 215 lbs: 2 reps (personal record)
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (no warm-up necessary)
Set 1: 125 lbs: 12 reps
Set 2: (dropset) 175 lbs: 2 reps... 125 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: (dropset) 175 lbs: 2 reps... 125 lbs: 7 reps
Set 4: 125 lbs: 8 reps (total muscular failure)
Standing Side-Lateral Raises
Set 1: 30 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 2: 40 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 3: 40 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 4: 40 lb dumbells: 8 reps
4 sets: rep til failure
Set 1: 305 lbs: 5 reps
Set 2: 395 lbs: 3 reps
Set 3: 395 lbs: 1 rep
Set 4: 305 lbs: 6 reps (total muscular failure)
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Set 1: 125 lbs: 12 reps
Set 2: 175 lbs: 8 reps
Set 3: 195 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 195 lbs: 6 reps (mental failure)
Standing Barbell Curl (olympic bar)
3 sets: 125 lbs: 6 reps each set
Set 4: 125 lbs: muscular failure @ rep 5
One-arm Dumbell Preacher Curl
Set 1: 20 lb dumbell: 12 reps (each arm)
Set 2: 30 lb dumbell: 8 reps (each arm)
Set 3: 30 lb dumbell: 6 reps (each arm)
Set 4: 30 lb dumbell: 6 reps (each arm)
SideNote: Getting back to this high-volume approach has been a mental challenge moreso than a physical one.
Training is restricted to 3 days a week...due to friday and saturday nite's long shift hours reducing possible recovery time.
Thus Monday's workout will be Legs, Chest and tricep...and the following Monday SHoulder Back and Biceps
Thus this week...shoulder back and biceps will get hit twice...and only once is next week's cycle....The reverse will be true of the antagonising muscle groups shoulder back and biceps
06-05-2005, 01:32 PM #5
Friday,Saturday, Sunday (15th,16th,17th rest)
06-05-2005, 01:33 PM #6
Monday 18th April
Training from this point on has been erratic...as this is exam time
Chest & Tris
Flat Smith Machine Bench Press: 4 sets
Flat Smith Machine Bench Press: 4 sets
Flat Smith Machine Bench Press: 4 sets
Over head tricep Extension: 4 sets (maximum weight 100lb dumbell)
Bench dip: 4 sets (maximum weight 135 lbs suspended on lap)
Tricep Press-downs: 4 sets
06-05-2005, 01:34 PM #7
Tuesday 19th April
Legs: (quads/hams/calves)
Warm up to leg-training: Front Squat: 125 lbs: 2 sets
Set 1: 125 lbs: 15 reps
Set 2: 205 lbs: 12 reps
Set 3: 295 lbs: rep til failure
Set 4: 295 lbs: rep til failure
Set 5: 315 lbs: rep til failure
Set 6: 295 lbs: rep til failure
Seated Leg-Curl
4 sets: 90 lbs
Standing Calf-raise:
Set 1: 180 lbs
Set 2: 270 lbs
Set 3: 360 lbs
Set 4: 410 lbs
Set 5: 360 lbs
Seated Calf-Raise
4 sets: 150 lbs (dropsets)
06-05-2005, 01:35 PM #8
Wednesday April 20th
06-05-2005, 01:36 PM #9
Thursday 21st April
Power Clean:
Set 1: 115 lbs
Set 2: 195 lbs
Set 3: 195 lbs
Set 4: 115 lbs
Standing Barbell Shoulder-press:
Set 1: 115 lbs
Set 2: 165 lbs..dropset to 115
Set 3: 115 lbs
Set 4: 115 lbs
Seated Bent Laterals: 4 sets
Seated Lateral Raises: 4 sets
06-05-2005, 01:36 PM #10
Friday, Saturday (22nd, 23rd April) rest
06-05-2005, 01:37 PM #11
Sunday 24th April
Back and Biceps
Chins: 6 sets
One-arm Dumbell Row:
Set 1: 100 lb dumbell: 8 reps
Set 2: 110 lb dumbell: 6 reps
Set 3: 110 lb dumbell: 7 reps
Set 4: 120 lb dumbell: 6 reps
Reverse-grip Barbell Rows:
Set 1: 115 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 205 lbs: 8 reps
Set 3: 205 lbs: 7 reps
Set 4: 205 lbs: 6 reps
Standing Barbell Curl
Set 1: 115 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 115 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: 115 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 115 lbs: 5 reps
Set 5: 115 lbs: 4 reps
Set 6 & 7: 75 lbs: rep til failure
06-05-2005, 01:37 PM #12
Monday 25th April
(6a.m. workout preceded by pro-fat meal ingested at 5a.m.: 2 tins of tuna..2 caps of coconut oil...2 tsp full-fat mayo)
(exercises done in power-rack)
Low-Incline Bench press: 4 sets (to throat)
High-Incline Bench press: 4 sets (to throat)
Decline Bench press: 4 sets
Decline fly: 4 sets
06-05-2005, 01:38 PM #13
Increasing study demands prompted me to take the rest of the week off:
Tuesday 26th-Saturday 30th april rest
06-05-2005, 01:39 PM #14
Sunday 1st May
Chest and Back
(exercises done in power-rack)
Low-Incline Bench press: 4 sets (to throat)
High-Incline Bench press: 4 sets (to throat)
Decline Bench press: 4 sets
Decline fly: 4 sets
Chins: 5 sets
Barbell Row (over hand grip):
Set 1: 115 lbs
Set 2: 195 lbs
Set 3: 195 lbs
Set 4: 195 lbs
Deadlift (light)
3 sets: 195 lbs
1 set: 285 lbs
Lat Pull-down: 4 sets
Bad-eating on the day limited my poundages
06-05-2005, 01:39 PM #15
Monday 2nd May
First time training legs in two weeks... a surprisingly good session IMO
Warm-up to leg-training: Leg-extensions (didn't count reps or sets...just kept goin til my knees felt fully lubricated)
Set 1: 125 lbs: 15 reps
Set 2: 215 lbs: 12 reps
Set 3: 305 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 305 lbs: 5 reps
Set 5: 305 lbs: 8 reps
Standing leg-curl: 4 sets
Seated Calf-raise: 5 sets
06-05-2005, 01:40 PM #16
Tuesday 3rd May...Wednesday 4th May(exam on wednesday)...rest
06-05-2005, 01:41 PM #17
Thursday 5th May
Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps,
Power Clean
4 sets: 115 lbs: 8 reps
1 Attempt: 195 lbs: failed
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
4 sets: 115 lbs: rep til failure
Seated Lateral Raises:
4 sets
Seated Bent Lateral Raises:
4 sets
1-arm standing laterals raises (starting with dumbell behind back):
2 sets
Seated Alternate Dumbell curl:
4 sets
Incline dumbell curl:
4 sets
4 sets
Close-grip Bench press:
4 sets
Low-cable kickbacks:
4 sets
06-05-2005, 01:42 PM #18
Friday 6th,
Saturday 7th,
Sunday 8th,
Monday 9th (last exam)
06-05-2005, 01:42 PM #19
Tuesday 10th May
Chest, Back
Flat Dumbell press:
4 sets
Incline Barbell Press:
4 sets
Flat Flyes:
4 sets
Decline pullover(a pull over done on a decline bench):
4 sets
Lat-pulldown to front (exaggerated stretch):
4 sets
Low-cable Row:
4 sets
Set 1: 305 lbs: 15 reps
Set 2: 395 lbs: 5 reps
Set 3: 395 lbs: 3 reps
Set 4: 305 lbs: rep til muscular failure
Reverse-grip Barbell Rows:
set 1: 205 lbs (heavy set)
Set 2: 115 lbs (exaggerated pause for peak contraction)
06-05-2005, 01:44 PM #20
Wednesday 11th May (had to work)
06-05-2005, 01:44 PM #21
Thursday 12th May
Extended Warm-up:
Leg extensions:
4 sets
Set 1: 125 lbs: 20 reps
Set 2: 215 lbs: 15 reps
Set 3: 305 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 355 lbs: 4 reps
Set 5: 215 lbs: 8 reps
Seated Leg-curl:
4 sets
Standing Calf-raise:
Set 1: 180 lbs: 15 reps
Set 2: 270 lbs: 15 reps
Set 3: 360 lbs: 12 reps
Set 4: 450 lbs: (drop set)
Seated Calf raise:
I'm employing an extreme training principle this week. I use it when i need an extra inch on my calves. Basically, i put on a weight that i can press for 12 reps...my training partner presses down on the negative...i fight the descent... the positive portion of the rep is unhampered. When i can no longer fight the exaggerated negative...my training parter ceases to press down...when i can no loner complete the positive...my training partner assists me...thus the set goes well beyond the point of failure...and it incorporates the best of each calf-training mass-concept: heavy weight, high reps... total muscular failure
4 sets
06-05-2005, 01:45 PM #22
Friday 13th
Saturday 14th
Sunday 15 th
06-05-2005, 01:46 PM #23
Monday 16 th May
Shoulder, Biceps, Triceps
Warm-up: Clean and Press [using just the bar]
Behind-the-back Barbell Shrugs:
4 sets
Bent Laterals:
5 sets
Seated Lateral Raises:
3 sets
Seated Alternate Front Raises:
3 sets
Smith Machine Press Behind:
4 sets
1-arm Machine pressdown:
4 sets
Close-grip Bench press:
4 sets
Seated Alternate Dumbell Curl:
3 sets
Incline Alternate Dumbell Curl:
2 sets
1-arm Dumbell Preacher Curl:
2 sets
06-05-2005, 01:47 PM #24
Tuesday 17th May
I'll be using slin (10 IU PWO) for the next 4 weeks...injected in the muscle worked... This started yesterday..injecting into my right anterior delt.
Legs: Quads/Hams/Calves
I use front squats as a warm-up movement...And standard squats as my main movement. I find my hips/knees take longer to get warm than my quads. And the front squat doesn't give me any patellar distress..so i use it to warm my hips and knee areas. I find it more effective than leg-extensions for said task from the aspect that it isn't disimilar to the barbell squat...in that it carries me tru a similar range of motion...thus making finding my 'groove' a lot easier.
2 sets: Bare bar
Working set 1: 125 lbs: 15 reps
Working set 2: 195 lbs: 6 reps
Main Leg workout:
Barbell Squat:
Set 1: 305 lbs
Set 2: 305 lbs
Set 3: 305 lbs
Set 4 (drop set): 305 lbs; 215 lbs; 125 lbs (failure)
There was no need to start lighter as my quads, hips and knees were fully warmed-up from front squats.
Seated Leg-curl:
Set 1: 45 lbs (training partner pressing down full bodyweight on the negative portion)
Set 2: 90 lbs (previous exagerrated negative repeated)
Set 3: 135 lbs (no negative work)
Set 4 (dropset): 135 lbs; 90 lbs; 45 lbs (failure)
I used one movement here..for lack of better equipment...I incorporate a lot of innovation here. My training partner presses down on the weight during the descent phase. Theorectically a muscle can contract more forcefully (up to 30% more) on the negative portion of the repition...thus standard repitions are 70% as effective. Exagerrated negatives raise the effectivity to 100%. I find this an awesome way to up strength.
Standing Calf-raises:
Set 1: 180 lbs: 15 reps
Set 2: 270 lbs: 12 reps
Set 3 (dropset): 450 lbs; 270 lbs; 180 lbs
Set 4: 270 lbs: 8 reps
Seated Calf-raises:
Set 1: 100 lbs: (press down on the negative..approximate 5 second negative)
Set 2: 150 lbs: (press down repeated)
Set 3(dropset): 200 lbs; 150 lbs; 100 lbs (pressdown on final breakdown @100lbs)
Set 3: (rep-out..dropset): 150 lbs; 100 lbs; 50 lbs (pressdown on final breakdown @ 50 lbs)
10 IUs Slin PWO...injected into gluteus medius
06-05-2005, 01:48 PM #25
Wednesday 18th May
Flat Barbell Bench-press:
Set 1: 20 reps
Set 2: 15 reps
Set 3: 12 reps
Set 4: 10 reps
Incline Barbell Bench Press:
Set 1: 13 reps
Set 2: 8 reps
Set 3: (dropset) 8 reps total
Set 4: (dropset) 8 reps total
Decline Dumbell Pull-over:
Set 1: 70 lb dumbell: 8 reps
Set 2: 80 lb dumbell: 8 reps
Set 3: 100 lb dumbell: 6 reps
Set 4: 100 lb dumbell: 6 reps
Decline Fly:
Set 1: 30 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 2: 50 lb dumbells: 6 reps
Set 3: 40 lb dumbells: 6 reps
Set 4: 40 lb dumbells: 6 reps
06-05-2005, 01:48 PM #26
Thursday 19th May
06-05-2005, 01:49 PM #27
Friday 20th May
Today takes the cake as my most depressing back workout to date. I'm trying to establish what went wrong in the second half with my deadlift poundages. The two thoughts i could muster were that either i had eaten to soon before my workout (thus my energy needs were re-directed to digestion) or that my CNS was suffering ill effects from Tuesday's heavy Squat session.
Lat-Machine Pull-downs:
(No warm-up prior)
Set 1: 105 lbs: 20 reps (very easy repetitions)
Set 2: 105 lbs: 20 reps (slight struggle on the last 3 reps)
Set 3: (dropset): 170 lbs: 6 reps; 125 lbs: 6 reps; 95 lbs: 6 reps (total: 18 reps)
Set 4: (dropset): 170 lbs: 4 reps; 140 lbs: 4 reps; 125 lbs: 4 reps (total: 12 reps)
Seated Low-Cable Rows:
Set 1: 95 lbs: 12 reps (I was just feeling the movement out at this point)
Set 2: 120 lbs: 10 reps
Set 3: (dropset): 155 lbs: 8 reps; 125 lbs: 4 reps; 95 lbs: 2 reps (total: 14 reps)
Set 4: (dropset): 170 lbs: 6 reps; 140 lbs: 4 reps; 125 lbs: 4 reps (total: 14 reps)
Here's where my workout suffered most
My hams felt vaguely sore prior to commencing thus i did a light set to stretch them out. From there it went down hill.
Set 1: 115 lbs: 10 reps (just to stretch my hams out...mimicking a stiff-leg deadlift)
Working sets:
Set 2: 305 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: 305 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 305 lbs: 4 reps
That's a drop of almost 100 pounds...
Endnotes: Stretching was done between sets.
06-05-2005, 01:50 PM #28
Saturday 21th
Sunday 22nd
06-05-2005, 01:51 PM #29
Monday 23rd May 2005
Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
To note today: No carbs ingested prior to the training session...which was around 7:30 p.m. Was making some dietary modifications. The adjustment made the 1st 1/2 of training hard...while the second 1/2 was tolerable.
Power Clean:
Set 1: 115 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 115 lbs: 8 reps
(just warming up here)
Set 3: 165 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 205 lbs x 2; 115 lbs x 5
Set 5: 115 lbs: 8 reps
(The gym was very crowded at the commencement of the workout so i was all over the place...exercises chosen due to available workspace)
Bent Laterals:
Set 1: 25 lb dumbells: 12 reps
Set 2: 35 lb dumbells: 12 reps
Set 3: 55 lb dumbells x 6; 25 lb dumbells x 6 reps
Set 4: 55 lb x 4; 35 lb x 4; 25 lb x 4
(The following exercise-choice was for the above-mentioned reason. I wanted to do a press-behind but there were no free benches...As no one was squatting, i did it standing in the power rack)
Standing Press-Behind:
Set 1: 85 lbs: 12 reps
Set 2: 105 lbs: 8 reps
Set 3: attempted 125 lbs...failed attempt
(My shoulders are effectively pre-fattigued)
Set 3: 105 lbs x 4; 85 lbs x 4
Set 4: 105 lbs x 5; 85 lbs x 3
(again, constrained for space, i'm forced to do the following movement standing)
Standing Lateral Raise:
Set 1: 25 lb dumbells: 12 reps
Set 2: 30 lb dumbells: 12 reps
Set 3: 35 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 4: 40 lb dumbells: 8 reps
(I've noticed that i'm disproportionately stronger at pulling than pushing... If you add my poundages you'll notice that too. My Lateral raise poundage is nearly cumulatively equal to that of my shoulder-press. etc. The onlyanamoly to this hypothesis is my squat...it's the only pressin movement that i'm strong at)
Tricep Press-down:
Set 1: 1/3 stack: 20 reps
Set 2: 1/2 stack: 12 reps
Set 3: 1/2 stack x 6; 1/3 stack x 9
Set 4: 1/2 stack x 4; 1/3 stack x 10
Overhead dumbell extension:
Set 1: 50 lb dumbell: 15 reps
Set 2: 70 lb dumbell x 9; 50 lb dumbell x 4
Bench dip:
Set 1: 135 lbs: 15 reps (three 45-lb plates suspended in lap)
Set 2: 180 lbs x 11 reps; 90 lbs x 4 reps
Seated Alternate dumbell curl:
Set 1: 30 lb dumbells: 20 reps (each arm)
Set 2: 50lb dumbells x 5 reps; 40 lb x 5 reps; 30 lb x 5 reps (each arm)
The last set was inconceivably all out. Had a bunch of people sitting around me in the gym urging me on...lol. Don't think it would've been possible without them lol.
Set 3: 60 lb dumbells x 4 reps; 50 lb x 3 reps; 40 x 3 reps; 30lb x 3; 20 lb x 5
(Set 2 was to failure... Set 3 took it a step further....didn't feel like doing anything other than goin home afterwards)
Incline Alternate Dumbell Curl:
Set 1: 30 lb dumbell x 6; 20 lb dumbell x4
Set 2: 35 lb x 4; 30 lb x 2; 20 lb x 3; 15 lb x 4
Set 3: 40 lb x 2; 30 lb x 2; 20 lb x 3; 15 lb x 4
Felt well whupped afterwards...to say the least
06-05-2005, 01:51 PM #30
Tuesday 24th May 2005
06-05-2005, 01:52 PM #31
Wednesday 25th May 2005
Saw my boy Big K.l.g. for the first in a long while today on the bus. So i crashed at his place and we trained together. Went to sleep at 6a.m. today...Got up at 12 pm and had breakfast. When i met big k.l.g. to train...it was on one solid meal and one shake. Needless to say..my energy level wasn't the best...but that was no hinderance.
I was going to train legs...but K.l.g. was training back so i decided on Back and Hamstrings.
(Bodyweight) Chins:
4 sets: 8 reps
The bars at this gym aren't olympic Bars...so the weight is what we in the business call 'dead weight'. i.e. as the bar doesn't flex and aide in lifting, it's the ultimate struggle against gravity.
After Last week's lackluster performance...i really needed to get my deadlift over 400 to be satisfied.
Set 1: 100 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 300 lbs: 8 reps
Set 3: 350 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 400 lbs: 4 reps
That quota satisfied...anything else was icing on the cake
Barbell Rows (over hand grip):
Set 1: 100 lbs: 12 reps
Set 2: 200 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: 200 lbs; 150 lbs; 100 lbs (dropset)
Set 4: 250 lbs; 150 lbs; 100 lbs (dropset)
Low Cable Rows:
This pulley set-up was improvised...and the weight was unmarked...so we just packed on plates and went at it...
4 sets: 6-12 rep range
Lat-Machine Pulldown:
Much like the low-cable row, this machine was made by the owner of the gym... The weights, cast-iron, were unmarked...so we just packed on and went by feel.
4 sets
One-Arm Dumbell Row:
Set 1: 100 lb dumbell: 6 reps
Set 2: 100 lb dumbell: 6 reps
At this point i wanted to do hamstrings... i actually DID do two sets...but the setup left much to be desired stimulation-wise...so i aborted.
Was a GREAT session
06-05-2005, 01:53 PM #32
Thursday 26 th May 2005
Chest and Calves
Today i forgot my log book at home...had a little argument with my mum so i rushed out...thus i was only able to keep track of the max poundage..the exercises used...and the total number of sets.
Flat Barbell Press:
4 sets
Max weight: 205 lbs
Incline Barbell Press:
4 sets
Max weight: 175 lbs
Dumbell Decline Press:
4 sets:
Max weight: 85 lb dumbells
Decline Dumbell Pullover:
4 sets:
Max weight: 110 lb dumbells
(By my own admission...i'm disproportionately stronger on pulling as compared to pushing)
Standing Calf-raise(smith machine):
4 sets:
Max weight: 560 lbs (personal best in this new gym... tho i've pressed up to 630 lbs in my previous gym)
Seated Calf Raises:
4 sets:
Max weight: 180 lbs
(First two sets employed my training partner pressing down on the negative portion of each repetion...the other two sets were straight sets)
06-05-2005, 01:53 PM #33
Friday 27th May
I get to the gym and some bitch and her 'personal trainer' are hogging the power rack...They're doing DUMBELL CURLS....WTF needless to say i was pissed. I watched 'em for 15 minutes then strolled up and said "Are y'all actually using the rack or can i use it?" *scowls* Unbelievable...I couldn't believe that they'd do this in an EMPTY gym. Including me and my girl, there was a grand total of FIVE people in the gym. Bitches
Quads and Hams
I ride my bike to and from the gym daily...while riding i experienced patella pain... Today's not going to be a great leg day.
(preceded by 3 warm-up sets)
Set 1: 125 lbs: 15 reps
Set 2: 215 lbs: 12 reps
Set 3: 305 lbs: 4 reps; 215 lbs: 4 reps
(experiencing horrible knee pain at this point..left knee)
Front Squats:
3 sets: 125 lbs: 6 reps each set
Set 1: 360 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 450 lbs: 6 reps
Set 3: 450 lbs: 6 reps
(i did three quad movements today for two reasons:
1. knee pain prevented me from the total number of squats i came to do
2. having done calves the previous evening i decided to up my workload)
Standing Uni-Lateral Leg-curl:
3 sets: 25 lbs: 12; 12; 10
Smith-Machine Stiff-Leg Deadlift:
(I did these standing on a bench)
Set 1: 70 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 90 lbs: 8 reps
Set 3: 90 lns: 8 reps
Stretched afterwards
Also did:
4 set of In-human's rack chins: 10; 10; 8; 10
4 set of Incline Leg-raises: 10; 10; 10; 10
Should've done front squats first...knee pain is less pronouced when i squat second in my workoutLast edited by *Narkissos*; 06-08-2005 at 05:19 PM.
06-05-2005, 01:54 PM #34
Saturday 28th
Sunday 29th
Monday 30th
06-05-2005, 01:56 PM #35
Tuesday 31th May
Shoulders, Cardio
By now you guys know that during contest prep i do my cardio PWO.
3 sets to warm up shoulders
Clean and Press:
First time i've attempted the clean and press inna while...usually i just do power cleans...to shoulder height...never goin fully overhead.(**sidenote** i'm experiencing wrist pain)
Set 1: 115 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 115 lbs: 7 reps
Set 3: 115 lbs: 6 reps
(I'm accustomed to cleaning a max of 195 lbs..so the clean portion of the movement is easy...but the press is difficult...as i'm disproportionately stronger on pulling movements)
Seated Barbell Press-Behind:
I start this movement with the barbell on the bench... I then clean it over head ...get in position and start to press. When i do dropsets i return the bar to the bench to strip the weight..and repeat the clean to the overhead position
Set 1: 105 lbs: 9 reps; 85 lbs: 5 reps; 65 lbs: 5 reps
Set 2: 125 lbs: 3 reps; 105 lbs: 2 reps; 85 lbs: 3 reps; 65 lbs: 5 reps
Set 3: 125 lbs: 2 reps; 105 lbs: 2 reps; 85 lbs: 3 reps; 65 lbs: 4 reps
As you can see..i've upped my rep range
Standing Laterals:
Set 1: 30 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 2: 35 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 3: 45 lb dumbells: 8 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 7 reps
Bent Laterals:
These were done laying face-down on an incline bench
Set 1: 20 lb dumbells: 10 reps
Set 2: 25 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 3: 25 lb dumbells: 6 reps; 20 lb: 4 reps; 15 lb: 4 reps
E-Z curl Bar: Upright Rows:
These were done just to 'finish off'
Set 1: 90 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 110 lbs: 6 reps; 90 lbs: 4 reps; 70 lbs: 4 reps; 50 lbs: 4 reps
Shoulders feel GOOOOOOD! The pump is GREEEAT!
At the conclusion of this i did 30 minutes of Cardio on the treadmill.
I also ride my bike to and from the gym so that added another 15 minutes approximately.
06-05-2005, 01:57 PM #36
Wednesday June 1st
Back, Biceps, Cardio.
**Please note...in addition to the cardio i do PWO... i also ride to and from the gym**
1 set of dead-lifts with the olympic bar
2 sets of hyper-extensions
Set 1: 295 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 385 lbs: 5 reps
Set 3: 435 lbs: 2 reps [Personal Best for this year]
Barbell Row:
Set 1: 205 lbs: 8 reps
Set 2: 205 lbs: 8 reps
Set 3: 205 lbs: 6 reps
Set 4: 205 lbs: 6 reps
Low-Cable Row:
[The emphasis here was on the contraction... There was a deliberate pause at the top and the 'pulling' part of the rep was controlled. The negative was deliberate...This technique was used for the first three sets. The last set...the heaviest...was explosive on the positive...before the dropset. Post-dropset, the reps reverted to the controlled manner of execution]
Set 1: 95 lbs: 10 reps
Set 2: 115 lbs: 8 reps
Set 3: 140 lbs: 7 reps
Set 4: 200 lbs: 5 reps; 140 lbs: 5 reps
Lat Machine Pull downs:
Set 1: 125 lbs: 11 reps
Set 2: 140 lbs: 8 reps; 105 lbs: 4 reps
Set 3: 155 lbs: 5 reps; 125 lbs: 4 reps; 105 lbs: 4 reps
2 sets with a bare Olympic bar= 45 lbs: 12 reps each set
Seated Alternate Dumbell Curls:
[5 dropsets]
Set 1: 70 lb dumbells: 3 reps; 40 lb dumbells: 5 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 5 reps (each arm)
Set 2: 60 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 40 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 4 reps (each arm)
Set 3: 50 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 40 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 4 reps (each arm)
Set 4: 40 lb dumbells: 6 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 6 reps (each arm)
Set 5: 40 lb dumbells: 6 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 6 reps (each arm)
PWO: 30 minutes cardio (Stationary Bike)
06-05-2005, 01:58 PM #37
June 2nd 1:05 a.m.
Looked at my pics from Nationals 2004 and CAC championships 2004.
Got my little sister (my biggest critic) to take me tru a round of posing and critique.
She gave me the green light, thus i decided to compete this year. Nationals is August 20th...God-willing i'll be there.
I need to get that same level of conditioning that i carried at both shows...with harder glutes and hams...glutes specifically.
I need to dial in my lower body...(as i AM bottom-heavy)...My upper body is nothing spectacular from the front at least IMO. My back is thicker...but i need to bring it rock-hard or i'll get looked over.
Shooting for middle-weight or welterweight...welter-weight preferably.
This'll be my 6th year competing.
My contest history is listed on my homepage: http://www.geocities.com/musclez_200
06-05-2005, 01:59 PM #38
Thursday 2nd June
Chest, Tris, Cardio
Flat Dumbell Fly:
No prior warm-up
Set 1: 25 lb dumbells: 20 reps
Set 2: 30 lb dumbells: 20 reps
Set 3: 40 lb dumbells: 12 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 8 reps
Set 4: 50 lb dumbells: 10 reps; 30 lb dumbells: 10 reps
Flat Dumbell Press:
All dropsets
Set 1: 80 lb dumbells: 8 reps; 50 lb: 6 reps; 40 lb: 4 reps
Set 2: 90 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 50 lb: 4 reps; 40 lb: 4 reps
Set 3: 80 lb dumbells: 3 reps; 50 lb: 4 reps; 40 lb: 5 reps
Set 4: 80 lb dumbells: 4 reps; 50 lb: 5 reps; 40 lb: 5 reps
Incline Dumbell Press:
All dropsets
Set 1: 80s: 5 reps; 50s: 5 reps
Set 2: 90s: 3 reps; 50s: 5 reps (experienced pain in my armpit of all places at this point)
Set 3: 80s: 3 reps; 50s: 4 reps; 35s: 3 reps
Set 4: 80s: 6 reps (2 full, 4 partial); 50s: 7 reps (3 full range...4 partial); 35s: 5 reps
V-Bar Press-down:
Set 1: 55 lbs: 20 reps
Set 2: 75 lbs: 12 reps
Set 3: 95 lbs: 4 reps; 75 lbs: 4 reps; 55 lbs: 5 reps; 35 lbs: 5 reps
Close-Grip Bench:
Set 1: 125 lbs: 5 reps
Set 2: 135 lbs: 4 reps; 85 lbs: 4 reps
Set 3: 135 lbs: 3 reps; 85 lbs: 4 reps
Set 1: close-grip pushups (a 'finisher')
30 minutes of Cardio PWO on the stationary bikeLast edited by *Narkissos*; 06-05-2005 at 02:01 PM.
06-05-2005, 02:02 PM #39
Friday 3rd June and Saturday 4th June... rest
Had to work From friday nite(8pm) to Saturday morning (after 4am) so training would've been a tad too difficult. Saturday's shift started at 5 pm...until.
06-05-2005, 05:33 PM #40
when/what show you doin??
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First Test-E cycle in 10 years