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  1. #1
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Cutting out supplements etc...?

    Guys i want to hear some different opinions on when you guys cut out stuff. i know traditionally some guys cut protein powder 1-2 wks out..ive never done that and apparently Dexter Jackson doesnt either...i know there are many different there any reason why i should or shouldnt cut out *****s from my diet while getting closer to the show? Before i have just cut out glutamine and creatine about 2 wks out...this time i plan on using...

    Dutasteride .5mg ED
    vitamin E
    liver tabs
    policosanol 20mg ED
    Tribulus 4 pills daily
    Niacin 100mg before training
    Ephedra lipodrene 3 pills daily (75mg of ephedra ED)
    Krealkalyn 4 pills daily
    saw palmetto 500-1000mg ED

    letro .25-.5 mg ED (.5)
    Vitamin B6 150-200mg ED

    anything i should cut out here like 1-2wks out? thanks for the help guys

  2. #2
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    for me i would never drop protein powder...but thats just me. Imo i think you are ok, i dont know about the krealkiline...but im pretty sure it does not hold any water like typical creatine...but im not sure

  3. #3
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    yea personally i still use protein powder till the day of the show...i dont think its ever affected me i just would like some opinions of how others do it...thanks guys

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