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  1. #1
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2006

    Cycle Help; 18weeks out need advice

    I realize its a long post but I need some help here.

    I'm posting this question here to get advice from some of the more experienced members. So, if you dont know what you are talking about, please dont reply.

    Here's whats up. I'm about 18 weeks out from my first contest. My avatar is a fairly recent pic. The problem is, I haven't gained any weight in the past 8 weeks and I"m not as heavy as I need to be. I realize that at 18 weeks out, there may not be anything I can do but I want to put on as much size as possible in the next six weeks or so before I start cutting down. I'm about 6'0-6'1 and currently 215lbs. I realize that I'm still going to be undersized for my height but its my first show and I'm set on competing in this one. Bodyfat now is probably about 12%.

    My question is how should I cycle between now and the show in order to maxamize my results. I was originally thinking of running a 12 week cutting cycle leading up to the show with maybe a test base and winny the last 6 weeks, but I haven't really planned out the cycle for sure yet. I have been a member of the board for some time and can come up with my own cycle, but I really wanted input from the guys who compete since competing is completely new to me.

    Cycle Experience: I've run two cycles, first was deca only at 400mgs for 10 weeks. Last cycle was sust at 700mgs weekly and deca at 400mgs for 12 weeks.

    Training Experience: I've been workout out for about 10 years and have been training seriously for about a year and a half now.

    Also, I'm 27 years old.

  2. #2
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2006
    I'm definately open to running a longer cycle, say all 18weeks until the contest? I have experienced good results with deca in the past and with my limited cycle experience, I was thinking of just running 2 injectibles and one oral mabye.

    How does this sound:

    Test E at 350mg 2x weekly (700weekly) weeks 1-18
    Deca or EQ at 400mg weekly - weeks 1-16
    Dbol weeks 1-6* (Not sure about this, dont want to hurt the old liver with two orals)
    Winstrol or Anavar tabs - weeks 13-18

    As far as duration, would the benefits outweight the risks to run this for 18 weeks instead of 12?

    12 week would look like:
    Test E at 350mg 2x weekly (700weekly) weeks 1-12
    Deca or EQ at 400mg weekly - weeks 1-0
    Winstrol or Anavar tabs - weeks 7-12

    Again, I'm really open to suggestions here.
    Last edited by Dangerdan; 03-31-2007 at 12:24 PM.

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