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  1. #1
    freak1's Avatar
    freak1 is offline Member
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    thouhgts on my protocol /cycle

    hey guys just trying to get some feedback on my protocol/ not just callin it a cycle cause im not cycling off and reason is im an amatueur bber so i need to stay on on at least for anyways i have about a year and im tryin to put on 15-2o lbs of quality muscle .my plan was to run my base which is 6ius gh ed,100 t4 ed ,12.5 aroma ed ,test cyp 750 mg a wk while the whole time cycling both tren a 100 eod month on month off and igflr3 50mcg .igf1lr3 is suppose to be cyc;led month on month offf so i was gonna run tren ace during those months on to really get a good growth spurt and this way im also takin a month off tren cause im sure running tren for a whole year can be pretty harsh.things ive beeen considering are 1-lowering my cyp during the months i run tren 2-is caber or prami neeeded if just running tren fro month time 3-just run low dose tren e the whole year .any advice is greatly appreicated ty . o ya stats are 36 yrs old,260 lbs offseason 5'11

  2. #2
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm not sure I understand what your question is????

  3. #3
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    blue trunks
    running test at 750mg a week for a year is dumb. You won't see any gains after 8-10 weeks. You're better off backing off the dose, say down to like 100-200mg per week for 8-10 weeks and then ramping it back up.

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