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  1. #1
    vestax's Avatar
    vestax is offline Member
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    fixed up my diet, plz critique

    WAKE UP: AM CARDIO 45 minutes
    (burn 350 cals, walking uphill on incline)

    MEAL 1 : Oatmeal & Egg whites (25g protein, 25g carbs, 0g fat)

    MEAL 2 : Protein Shake + 2 FLAX (50g protein, 30g fat)

    MEAL 3 : Chicken + Veggies (25g protein, 20g carbs, 0g fat)


    MEAL 4 : Protein Shake + Dextrosde (50g protein, 50g carbs, 0g fat)

    MEAL 5 : Tuna & Rice (30g protein, 30g carbs, 0g fat)

    (180g protein, 125g carbs, 30g fat)

    I am 5"7 152lbs, prob 14% bf lookin to get down to 8?

    I will be on test prop and tren for most of this

    possibly DNP


  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    man you are gonna be skinny,
    i figured you should take in around 2500 cals, and just eyeballing things since you didn't list calories, i don't think you're eating enough (based on gear) it looks like you are eating less than 1500 calories which is way too low. eat around your maint. amount at least since you are on gear...

  3. #3
    MarkyMark's Avatar
    MarkyMark is offline Member
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    BUMP !!

    Yes pal way too low on calories ... increase calories and tell us what your workout schedule is ... you may have to alter that !

    Good Luck

  4. #4
    vestax's Avatar
    vestax is offline Member
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    I do am cardio 45 mins (try to burn about 750 cals) every morning. I do weights every other day for 45 mins.

    So if thats roughly 1500 cals? Isn't my maintenance around 1900? Should I just add 1 protein shake w/ flax at the end of the night maybe?

  5. #5
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    you need to add more food to that diet,
    what is your workout routine?
    and are you noting the calories you burned based off of what the equipment is telling you?

  6. #6
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Not a very productive comment, but I eat more than that before dinner and not while using AS. I am taller and heavier but that looks like someone trying to drop weight, from what I have heard about tren you will loose alot when not consuming enough calories.

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