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  1. #1
    Carmine20's Avatar
    Carmine20 is offline Junior Member
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    Calorie consumption with LBM

    I was wondering if someone can tell me what my lean body mass may be. and how do you figure out how many calories to eat a day going off your LBM. I am 5'11 @190 BF% maybe 13% thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Calorie consumption with LBM-2.jpg   Calorie consumption with LBM-4.jpg   Calorie consumption with LBM-3.jpg   Calorie consumption with LBM-1.jpg  

  2. #2
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    This is what Nark told me

    Your approach to eating could go two routes:

    1. You could eat maintenance calories for your LBM
    2. You could just reduce your kcal amount to facilitate weight-loss from 15%-->10%... and maintain said percentage.

    Personally i prefer to adjust my calories to my LBM... It's more exact... and the results are more predictable.

    Originally Posted by Anthony C
    I lift 4 days a weeks and cardio 2 days

    I have a real active job UPS Driver so Im on the run all day .Could you please give me some advice On how many cals a day to get to my goal ..Thanks so much Anthony

    Cardio and activity during the day aren't interchangeable... You've gotta increase the number of cardio sessions you're doing if you want to drop bodyfat.

    Now to your question:

    Current Bodyweight: 184 lbs
    Bodyfat percentage: 15%
    LBM: 156.25
    Maintenance kcals: 1875 kcals

    With maintenance kcals established, they're differenct approaches to the macro breakdown:


    protein: 1.35 gr per lb LBM: 210 gr
    carbs: .65 gr per lb LBM: 100 gr
    fat: 70 gr (remaining kcals alloted to fat)


    protein: 1 gr per lb LBM: 160 gr
    Carb: 1 gr per lb LBM: 155 gr
    Fat: 68 gr (remaining kcals alloted to fat)


    The approach you use will be determined your personal experience/response with/to dieting.

    Other nutrition guys: chime in on this thread, as my diet prep expertise is limited to competitive bodybuilding only.

    Thus my macro arrangement, and combinations (fat; carbs; protein: meal structure) will differ.. as the two schools of thought differ


  3. #3
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Originally Posted by xtinaunasty
    i didnt see anything about him working out but say he works out 4 days a week and cardios 5...

    Originally Posted by Anthony C
    I lift 4 days a weeks and cardio 2 days

    Just a correction

    Originally Posted by xtinaunasty
    do you really think that is enough food for him??? 1875 is way low for his stats...IMO. maybe i overshot the calories while glancing at his stats, but im interested to know your take

    I believe it is. One should eat to support/maintain one's fat-free bodymass... in his case that would be 156 lbs...

    Originally Posted by steve0
    he deff needs more than 1875 i weight 6lbs more than him and im almost hittin 3000 a day, a least get it up to 2500 or 2700 a day IMO and i dont even do cardio 5 days a week, just twice and cruising at 10%

    Are you 6 lbs heavier than him.. but leaner?

    That means your Lean body mass is higher than his.

    Thus you NEED more calories than he does.

    It's that simple.

    Originally Posted by Anthony C
    Is there anything I can do to keep hunger down at night ??I dont know what it is but around 8-10 pm Im wanting to eat everything .I keep my cals in check but its real hard not to eat at this time in the night ..

    Originally Posted by chest6
    you should still be eating at night.

    Ditto. Spread your caloric allotment over more (smaller) you don't have to 'go hungry'.

    Try adding fibrous (low-kcal) veggies to meals... for increased saeity

    Originally Posted by Anthony C
    So if my LBM is 156.25 is that what I would need to be for 10% bf or is that what I would be totaly dry like no bf% ?Thanks again Anthony

    What i posted above would be what you need to ingest to lose fat while maintaining your current lean musculature.

    Whether you choose to to continue cutting past the 10% mark is up to you.

    If your goal is to meet 10% only... you ingest the amount indicated above til your goal weight is reached.. then adjust total kcals to maintain said weight.

    You approach this by either ingesting:

    14 kcals for every lb of LBM
    or 12 kcals for every lb of bodyweight

    Note.. this is when you reach your desired body composition.

    In addition, upon reaching said body composition, you can try caloric cycling, to add lean mass... without adding much bodyfat.


  4. #4
    Carmine20's Avatar
    Carmine20 is offline Junior Member
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    i see. so assuming i use the same formula as you, i have a lbm of 165lbs and i should be consumming approx. 1983 calories a day.

  5. #5
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005
    I would guess so .On a side note bro you look ripped already .Im trying to look like that by summer .Im also 5'11 at around 188Ibs .You got way more mass than me though you dirty dog....AC

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