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  1. #1
    BARBENDER29 is offline Associate Member
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    ECA stack for mom?

    My mom is 52 yrs old and has a class reunion coming up that she wants to look good for. She is not a very overweight lady by no means,but of course this reunion means alot to her and she wants to look her best for it in September. She has ask me to help her with a workout plan and supplements that she could take to help her along. She is doing good with the diet she is on but just wants a little help with the other. So my question is, if she was to take the ECA stack what dosage should she take and at what times of the day( schedule ) should she go by? She has taken ephedrine in the past and is use to it, and has no type of medical problems.

  2. #2
    305GUY's Avatar
    305GUY is offline Anabolic Member
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    my moms is around the same age and i would never let her take an ECA stack. Just get her diet in check and give her some green tea extract and sesamin oil for supps.

  3. #3
    xtinaunasty's Avatar
    xtinaunasty is offline Female Member
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    in your dreams
    ^^^ good suggestion, but you might might want to look into caffeine and yohimbine also

  4. #4
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    I would never give my mom take an ECA. Take a look at her diet&cardio.

  5. #5
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    maybe i'm in the wrong here, but i don't see why not. she's already taken ephedra and it has apparantly been beneficial for her. ECA would only be adding two more drugs (both of which she is probably already getting in some form or another). I'm not saying tell her to jump into it, I just don't see where it would cause a problem. Maybe taper down a little? I dunno, just my $.02

  6. #6
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    IMO ephedra is totaly useless as a fatburner. But it sure as hell is a godsent to get through cardio when cutting tell her to take it pre cardio. Dosage I dont know. Just enough to give her a kick.

  7. #7
    MarkyMark's Avatar
    MarkyMark is offline Member
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    I wouldn't allow my mother to take em ...

    Go back to basics... a very well balance low calorie diet and exercise ..
    for supps add some flax and multi-vitamins ...

    tell her we wish her luck and a good time at the upcoming event ..

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