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  1. #1
    biglouie250's Avatar
    biglouie250 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2004

    oh boy hope my math is off

    read a few threads about caloric intake levels, added mine about 1700!!!! shit man ive been living in the dark forever it seems. my new diet for just some fat loss, not all out cutter:

    8:00 AM Cup of black coffee

    8:30 AM 2 scoops protein/flax shake 430

    10:15 AM Oatmeal 100

    12:30 PM 4-5 chicken breasts or 2 cans tuna or 3 turkey burgers, usually add baby spinach and 1/2 avocado 500

    3:00 PM 3 chicken breasts/olive oil 450

    5:00 PM 1 scoop protein/flax shake 270

    7:00 PM WEIGHTS

    8:00 PM PWO Shake 500

    9:00 PM PPWO 300

    Peanuts 50

    total calories 2600

    now i know that the big no no here is the 3 shakes. its just easier because i can choke one down in 30 seconds and it doesnt piss my boss off. i suspect whipping up some chicken 2x a day wouldnt go over well with him in the office. any other suggestions? is my caloric info corrrect on these foods? the shakes im sure of, but what about the other stuff.

  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Well, there's 145 calories, 26g protein, for every 3oz of cooked chicken breast. Also, you didn't say how much oatmeal, but FYI there are 150 cals for every 1/2 cup dry. I'm guessing your math is off.

  3. #3
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I dont think anyone can be at 1700 without noticing extreme hunger. I go that low sometimes when cutting and its freaking horrible.

    3 shakes isnt anything to worry about.

  4. #4
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    go to and check it there

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