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  1. #1
    n4529359's Avatar
    n4529359 is offline Associate Member
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    total calories, macronutirent ratios & online diet diarys

    what is the ideal total calories while


    what is the ideal macronutrient ratios while

    also does anyone use an online diet diary or similar? if so what one?

  2. #2
    hawktribal's Avatar
    hawktribal is offline Senior Member
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    depends on the individual

  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    i figure my daily caloric needs.
    then i figure my macro breakdown in reference to my calorie needs
    then i add 500 to it for bulking and reduce it by about 500 when cutting...
    i make my own diet...
    i go 40/40/20 pro/carb/fat when bulking
    and i go 40/35/25 pro/carb/fat when cutting (i up my EFA's when i cut)
    hope this helps a lil...

  4. #4
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    weight in ibs times 10-12 is a decent estimate of the ammount of kcal you need to keep your weight. Add 500 kcal/day to gain weight and ditch 500kcal/day to drop weight.

    Ratios is highly individual. But I almost always keep protein at 40-50% of kcal.

    I log everything on
    Last edited by Kärnfysikern; 02-28-2006 at 09:47 AM.

  5. #5
    n4529359's Avatar
    n4529359 is offline Associate Member
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    cheers u guys have been a big help.
    just trying to really finetune my diet the caloric ratios have been helpfull.
    i also just realised my bulking diet cuts short of my daily caloric needs by about 500 meaning i need about 1000 more calories during a bulker . and my ratios are all screwed up. i still manage to put on weight easily

  6. #6
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
    LAGMuXle is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by n4529359
    cheers u guys have been a big help.
    just trying to really finetune my diet the caloric ratios have been helpfull.
    i also just realised my bulking diet cuts short of my daily caloric needs by about 500 meaning i need about 1000 more calories during a bulker . and my ratios are all screwed up. i still manage to put on weight easily

    I would suggest posting your diet you currently have now, and we can break it down for you.

    If you have not done any reading yet, then I would suggest doing some before posting. This way you can answer some of your questions up front.

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