Crazy story...Three weeks ago I got in a fight with two kids that were starting shit with people outside of a club. During the fight I hit the back of my head on the edge of a wall, but I thought I was alright. Due to constant headaches and extreme dizziness I went to the hospital the next day to find out that I had a minor hemmorage in the frontal lobe because my brain hit the front of my skull upon impact. I'm 5"7 and I went in weighing 170 at about 9% bf. Three weeks later I'm at 165 and about 13%. The symptoms have subsided, but they told me that I will not be able to workout for the next two months. I'm just lucky that I'll ever workout again. I'm very depressed at how my body looks from eating like shit and I would appreciate any help. How can I keep from losing any more muscle during this time?? How should my calories be because I do not want to gain more fat?? I would just like to lean out as much as possible without losing much muscle. Thank you guys.