Hi this is the diet I will be running for the next 12 weeks. I am 24 yo, 197 lbs, 15% bf, 5 9'.

Non lifting days will be (2218 cals, 321 grams pro, 77 grams of carbs, 53.5 grams fat)
Lifting days will be (2761 cals, 361 grams pro, 167 grams of carbs, 58.5 grams of fat)

The meals go as:

Meal 1 Cals Pro Carbs Fat
1 scoop whey 370 47 34 2.5
5 egg whites
1/2 cup oats

Meal 2 480 96 0 6
12 oz. chicken
veggies (steamed)

Meal 3 390 40 10 19
Sake w/flax

Meal 4 588 98 23 7
12oz chicken
1/2 cup brown rice

Meal 5 390 40 10 19
Shake w/ flax

PWO (lifting day) 543 40 90 5

Now I know that 12 oz of chicken is a lot so keep in mind that both of those meals will be broken up in 2-3 hours. Like half and then an hour and a half later eat the rest. In meal 2 there are no carbs because its been hard to find nutrition facts on peas and carrots, im buying everything today and will adjust. For the carbs in my PWO I will be using 5 tblsp pure honey. Cardio am. I didnt put any times on anything because my daily schedule changes everyday.