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  1. #1
    wrestler7 is offline New Member
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    im 14 % body fat, i want to be 7...How?

    Hey any help on how to cut down to 7 percent body long it would take how to do it healthy? and what kind of getting 4 1/2 hours of constant workout thorught the day 5 days a week

  2. #2
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    What are you doing for the 41/2 hours your working out. That seems like alot

  3. #3
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    The best way to loose BF is diet and cardio...

    Here is a link to how to cut..

    Length will determine how clean your diet is cardio and the person's ability to loose weight.

    Are you in the gym for 4.5 hours??? if so YOUR OVERTRAINING BADLY.....

  4. #4
    wrestler7 is offline New Member
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    no i have 1hr and half of weight training and then the 3 of hrs ltr in the day of wrestling would that be considered cardio or no? its very tough

  5. #5
    mickdiesel is offline Senior Member
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    yeah I wrestled. that's cardio. I don't know what u do but we had to run every staircase in the building twice. once before practice and once after, ten theres drills, open wrestle, calisthetics. its too much cardio sometimes

  6. #6
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    How long have you been wrestling? I would think if its awhile you should have your weight cutting down. I liked to show up about 5-7 pounds over the day of the match then just cut the water weight that day. A good diet and cardio till you can maintain 5-7 pounds over most of the time. Then just cut it the day of the match. Get up throw on your suana suit and run for 30-45 minutes. should lost a 1.5-2 pounds so if your 7 over your already at 5.5 over go to school you should drift a pound off over the course of a day now your 4.5 over. Run at lunch 30 minutes sauna suit 1 pound your 3.5 over. Had to the suana if its a home match 30 in 5 minute cold shower. Do this twice or till your 2 over then just show up and run off the extra two pounds thats what I did. Dont rely on a sauna to make weight cause the extra cardio will do you good then weigh in pedylite and a light carb/pro. Your good to go

  7. #7
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    If your a bigger guy the water weight is a great weigh to do it. I was a smaller guy and it still worked. Displine is key dont do stupid binges either maintain is the key for a succusful season.

  8. #8
    Hunter's Avatar
    Hunter is offline Grateful
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    Whats weight class are you wrestling anyway?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    4.5hrs in gym, wow too much.

  10. #10
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrestler7
    no i have 1hr and half of weight training and then the 3 of hrs ltr in the day of wrestling would that be considered cardio or no? its very tough
    i'd think would count as 'cardio'...tho i do know one wrestler who does cardio in addition to his mat practise. He's 8%

    You could try tossing in a 30-45 minute cardio workout at the end of your weight-training in the morning.

    Getting down to 7% would require manipulating your diet.

    Not necessarily cutting kcals in your case however

    4+ hours of intense activity.. you've gotta make sure firstly that you're eating ENOUGH kcals.

    Establish your bmr..and your daily kcals expenditure..and change your diet to facilitate ingesting enough kcals.

    Your body composition should start to change.


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