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  1. #1
    ckyass's Avatar
    ckyass is offline Associate Member
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    Cutting/Carb Cycle/Training Program/Diet! CHECK IT OUT!

    About to start cutting...I've layed out a plan for myself and figured i would post it up to have you guys critique it! I am currently 100% natural but i have a bottle of 2perdrol and all supporting supps including pct that i plan on using AFTER i cut. My plan is to get shredded than slowly start to bulk again and start my first cycle. All opinions are very helpful so please share your thoughts... I didnt want to do the cycle now because i feel i should shed some of this bodyfat before doing a bulk/cycle which will only increase my bodyfat even more! So...Here we go!

    Goal: Lose Body fat/Preserve Muscle
    Current BodyFat: 13%
    Target BodyFat: 9%
    65%-75% of Max Heart Rate: 125-145 (Morning cardio/Post Workout)
    85% of Max Heart Rate: 165 (Hit Cardio Max)
    Weight: 195 lbs in the morning naked

    Cutting Notes:
    CUT OUT Fruit and ALL DAIRY
    Increase Fat intake on low carbs days
    Cardio on an empty stomach-GLUTAMINE-BCAA’s 20 mins BEFORE + COFFEE!


    Day Cardio Weight Lifting
    1 Morning Cardio Back/Hamstring
    2 Post Cardio Chest/Calves/Abs
    3 HIT Cardio OFF
    4 NONE Quads/Light Hams/Calves
    5 Morning Cardio Shoulders/Traps
    6 Post Cardio ARMS/4Arms/Calves/Abs
    7 HIT Cardio OFF

    **Keep in mind i dont count calories..BUT i do count carb/fat/protein intake. To maintain my bodyweight i consume 260 grams of pro, 350 grams of carbs, and around 60 grams of fat. ** Saturdays im usually very active and doing 100 things so i made that my SUPRISE CARB DAY**

    Carb Cycle
    Back/Hams – 200 grams of carbs
    Chest/Calves/Abs- 350 grams of carbs
    Hit cardio- 125 grams of carbs
    Legs- 350 grams of carbs
    Shoulders/Traps- 150 grams of carbs
    Arms/Calves/abs- 450 grams of carbs
    Hit Cardio – 125 grams of carbs

    Carb Cycle Layout

    450 grams of carbs
    80 grams breakfast
    60 grams meal 2
    60 grams meal 3
    80 grams pre workout
    110 post workout
    60 grams pwo meal

    350 grams of carbs
    65 grams breakfast
    40 grams meal 2
    40 grams meal 3
    50 grams pre workout
    100 post workout
    55 grams pwo meal

    200 grams of carbs
    40 grams Breakfasts
    40 grams pre workout
    80 grams post workout shake
    40 grams pwo meal

    150 grams of carbs
    30 grams Breakfast
    40 grams pre workout
    50 grams post workout shake
    30 grams pwo meal

    125 grams of carbs
    25 grams Breakfast
    40 grams pre workout
    60 grams post workout shake
    25 grams pwo meal

  2. #2
    ckyass's Avatar
    ckyass is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2007
    New York

  3. #3
    ckyass's Avatar
    ckyass is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2007
    New York
    !!!! Bump!!!!

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