sup guys? i'm currently on anavar and thinking about adding either winstrol primobolan or test prop..anyway..i have been doing this diet that consists of a six day one is different from day two and i go 1,2,3,3,2,1
i want you guys who are pros and gurus at dieting for maximum strength and cuts to let me know if its any good or maybe something better..for me its working pretty good but always looking for something goes.....
day 1:
upon rising proviron 50mg with a sip of water..(someone here in greece told me that with more water it kills any gains same with nolvadex just a sip of water)
15mins later----glutamine--creatine--20grms dextrose (500ml water)

20mins later----2 scoops of quaker with water and some berryz
10 cooked egg whites in the blender (****in sick)with whey protien(20grms)
0-mega 3-6-9 one capsule-1 multivitamine-glucosamine 1 tab (500ml water)

30mins later 2 fat burner caps
1.5 hours later-----5 tabs amino acids chewed (cup of water)
30mins later------100grms brown rice with hot peppers
1 can tuna (chewed good and swallowed with water)or 200grms boiled chick breast (sick) (chewed up and taken down with water also)
o-mega 3-6-9 1cap, 1 cap glucosamine (500ml water)

2.5 hours later------5 tabs amino acids chewed up ( cup of water)
brown rice 100grms
1 green bananna the bitter the better(newly discovered enzyme that helps in fat loss)
50grms whey with water
glucosamine and 1gr vitamin c (500ml water

20mins later 2 fatburner caps and 1 cap o-mega 3-6-9 cup of water
1 hour later 5 amino acids chewed up (500ml water)
30mins later 50mg proviron sip of water
30mins later one green bananna 1 scoop of quaker and water
3 strained yogurts 0%(49grms protien)

1 hour later 2 fat burner caps
20mins later 50ml liquid amino acid----workout!!
40mins after intense workout 1g l-carnitine
followed by abbs workout right away
after abbs 25ml liquid aminos
followed by 30mins cardio ( i do this 5-6 times a week i think it wouold be better every other day but i get too hyper and just go to the gym)
30mins later-----------glutamine--creatine-20g dextrose (500ml water)
15mins later 5 amino acids tabs chewed up cup of water
15mins later 20grms whey with water
20mins later 150 grms boiled chicken or tuna or 10 egg whites(if i have them pre boiled
2 hours later 5 amino acids tabs chewed up cup of water
30mins later 50mg proviron with a sip of water
2hours later 3caps ZMA
30mins later sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
in the night.....if i wake up for a piss i have a cup of water with 50ml liquid amino acids!

day 2:
upon rising proviron 50mg with a sip of water..(someone here in greece told me that with more water it kills any gains same with nolvadex just a sip of water)
15mins later----glutamine--creatine--20grms dextrose (500ml water)
20mins later----10 cooked egg whites in the blender (****in sick)with whey protien(20grms)
0-mega 3-6-9 one capsule-1 multivitamine-glucosamine 1 tab (500ml water)
30mins later 2 fat burner caps

1.5 hours later-----5 tabs amino acids chewed (cup of water)
30mins later------1 can tuna (chewed good and swallowed with water)or 200grms boiled chick breast (sick) (chewed up and taken down with water also)
o-mega 3-6-9 1cap, 1 cap glucosamine (500ml water)

2.5 hours later------5 tabs amino acids chewed up ( cup of water)
brown rice 80grms
1 green bananna the bitter the better(newly discovered enzyme that helps in fat loss)
50grms whey with water
handfull of mixed nuts (almonds walnuts)
glucosamine and 1gr vitamin c (500ml water)

20mins later 2 fatburner caps and 1 cap o-mega 3-6-9 cup of water
1 hour later 5 amino acids chewed up (500ml water)
30mins later 50mg proviron sip of water
30mins later one green bananna
3 strained yogurts 0%(49grms protien)

1 hour later 2 fat burner caps
20mins later 50ml liquid amino acid----workout!!
40mins after intense workout 1g l-carnitine
followed by abbs workout right away
after abbs 25ml liquid aminos
followed by 30mins cardio ( i do this 5-6 times a week i think it wouold be better every other day but i get too hyper and just go to the gym)
30mins later-----------glutamine--creatine-20g dextrose (500ml water)
15mins later 5 amino acids tabs chewed up cup of water
15mins later 20grms whey with water
20mins later 150 grms boiled chicken or tuna or 10 egg whites(if i have them pre boiled
2 hours later 5 amino acids tabs chewed up cup of water
30mins later 50mg proviron with a sip of water a small sip 5x's the size of the two pills
2hours later 3caps ZMA
30mins later sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
in the night.....if i wake up for a piss i have a cup of water with 50ml liquid amino acids!

day 3:
upon rising proviron 50mg with a sip of water
15mins later----glutamine--creatine---r-ala
30mins later 4 whole eggs omelet with onion, green peppers, avocado, spinach and one slice of cheese along with a 0% strained yogurt(18gms protien)
multivitamin, o-mega complex cap, cla cap, glucosamine (500ml water)
20mins later 2 fatburner caps cup of water

1.5 later 5 amino acid tabs chewed up and taken with a glass of water
30mins later 200grms steak rare with extra onions and melted gooda
1 hot pepper (i mean hot)
cla caps, glucosamine

2 hours later 2 pork chops with fat or 200grms of salmon or 200grms of fresh sardines
salad with olive oil, avocado, tomatoes , spinach
cla caps, o-mega 3-6-9, glucosamine

1.5hours later 5 amino acid tabs chewed up (glass of water
1 hour later 2 fat burner caps
20mins later 50ml liquid amino acid----workout!!
40mins after intense workout 1g l-carnitine
followed by abbs workout right away
after abbs 25ml liquid aminos
followed by 30mins cardio ( i do this 5-6 times a week i think it wouold be better every other day but i get too hyper and just go to the gym)
30mins later-----------glutamine--creatine-20g dextrose (500ml water)
15mins later 5 amino acids tabs chewed up cup of water
15mins later 20grms whey with water
20mins later 150 grms boiled chicken or tuna or 10 egg whites(if i have them pre boiled
2 hours later 5 amino acids tabs chewed up cup of water
30mins later 50mg proviron with a sip of water a small sip 5x's the size of the two pills
2hours later 3caps ZMA
30mins later sleep..

thats it..i start out with day 2 then 3 then 3 then 2 then 1 then 2 and on sundays is my secret weapond day thinking to change it up and create a day four where i replace all fats with healthy fatty acids and garlic caps..basically drain out all clycogen by day 4 the start out slowly again with some carbs from veggiez then the day following throw in some rice and oat meal...let me know guys...

btw...on sundays i shock my body by giving it sweets, pizzas, kfc, french fries with melted cheddar anything i can said to shock the bodies metabolism and burning calories like a furnace when on the day after i will be giving it healthy low calorie clean food to eat...then the day after i start out with day 2....anyway sorry for going on and on about this..let me know what you guys think.