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  1. #1
    listerine is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008

    does this lean bulk diet look okay

    Age 21, weight 185, BF 9.7, Training 4yrs (4days a week), Cycle expirience none

    This is sort of a rough copy of my diet. i want to just get my diet down while i'm on my cycle of EQ, test e, and Dbol , my goal is to lean bulk. These should be the approx macros

    Meal 1
    2/3 Cup of oatmeal
    1/2 cup of skim milk
    3 egg whites (not sure of nutritional values)

    450 cal / 6g fat / 12g Protein / 50g carbs

    Meal 2
    1/2 a boneless skinless chicken breast
    1/2 cup of cooked rice
    1/2 cup of dried red kidney beans

    590 cals/ 4g fat/ 48g Protein / 72g Carbs

    Meal 3
    1/2 a boneless skinless chicken breast
    1/2 cup of cooked rice
    1/2 cup of dried red kidney beans

    590 cals/ 4g fat/ 48g Protein / 72g Carbs

    Meal 4
    1/2 a cup of extra lean ground beef or Steak
    1 tortilla

    580 cals / 19g fat / 26g Protein / 25g carbs

    Meal 5
    1/2 a boneless skinless chicken breast
    1/2cup of cooked rice
    1/2 cup of dried red kidney beans

    590 cals/ 4g fat/ 48g Protein / 72g Carbs

    Meal 6 on off days or PWO Meal
    2 scoops of unflavored whey protein blended witn real fruit
    baked potatoe with low fat margirine

    480 cals/ 9g of fat/ 52g Protein / 15g carbs

    Totals 3300ish cals , 44 g of fat, 234 g of Protein, 307g of carbs

    for my salt intake there barely won't be any in meals 1 and 6 but there will be in meals 2,3,4 and 5 and my sugar intake shouldnt be to high. meals 2,4 and 6 will have green veggies in them. i'm also going to limit myself to 3 cheat meals a week. Green vegtables will be in meals 2,3 and 4
    Last edited by listerine; 09-21-2008 at 03:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    Tryin to get Abs
    lower carbs to about 330 Grams and up protein to 250-260 and bumb fat about 10 grams and only to cardio 3x a week. and 3 cheat meals a week ur going to get fat not lean bulk PWO meal ditch the OJ and have oatmeal and whole fruit blended up if u want some fruit juice just make sure it LOW GI fruit and ditch the Whole weat bread
    u should get some sweet potatoes or yams in there as carbs as well as oppose 2 kidney beans 3x a day. dont worry about salt as long as u drink lots of water. and breakfest u need about 18-20 more grams of protein. id get some egg whites. Torrtilla id so no no unless u really want it. remember ur goals is a lean bulk, u have more leeway then say a cutting diet but u still need Whole Good Food u will obtain ur goals quicker that way. i dunno but thoes are just my suggestions. PM if u want

  3. #3
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    I can see you are serious and I really like what A2theJ recomended, thats tight! Dont do 3 cheat meals a week! maybe 1 at most, good luck bro thats awsome.

  4. #4
    listerine is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008
    made some edits

  5. #5
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    Tryin to get Abs
    more carbs about 330 and pro about 250-260 like i said before u need more fat and margarine is all bad. ok u need to get my whole carbs like
    sweet potatoes
    low GI fruits
    Green Veggies
    Brown Rice
    Skim milk

    Lean Poultry(Chicken Turkey)
    Lean Pork
    Lean Beef 93%+
    and other fish
    Egg whites
    Cottage cheese 1%


    Olive oil
    peanut oil
    almond oil
    macadamain nut oil
    fish oil

    then do what i said 3300 kcals and work backwards divide it by 6 then fit everything in
    there 4 kcals per gram of carbs or protein
    and theres 9 kcal per gram of fat so work it out
    ur post workout should have more protein and carbs then any other meal
    if u have to subsitute fat do it in meals 1 and pwo and meal 6 if u have 2
    do cardio 3x a week
    if u have a cheat meal make it urself
    dont neglect ur lats and legs at the gym they are ur biggest muscles
    because all of our bodies are differnt and what worls great for me might work crappy for you ok.
    Good luck


  6. #6
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    get more protein in that first meal for sure. add in more good fats from nuts and olive oil and such. low fat margarine is a poor choice as well.

  7. #7
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    Tryin to get Abs
    i made a mistake with the grams i gave u . for 3300 cals u need more grams of protein 330 is fine or carbs but say 330 for protein too, and 70 for fat. also feel free to tweek a bit like go ahead and try 300 pro and carbs and 60 for fat, try it for say 3-5weeks and see what happens if ur putting on too much fat ur goal should be to gain no more than 2 pounds a week i would say unless ur on AAS mainly just see how ur body reacts

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