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Thread: Diet question

  1. #1
    jtrulow899 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2008

    Diet question

    I am trying to understand somthing.

    Say a person is having 3 meals a day and is suppose to eat 3,000 calories a day.

    Meal 1 200 calories
    Meal 2 200 calories
    Meal 3 200 calories

    And he is burning 600 calories threw exercise.

    At the end of the day will this person be way under his calorie intake and begin to loose weight or is he addind to his weight problem.

    I never understood this. This is just for me to understand i no its way unhealthy and pointless. But its kist a learning thing for me.

  2. #2
    Roshambo's Avatar
    Roshambo is offline Member
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    Sourced Out
    this needs to be moved and reposted in the diet section.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'll move this to the diet section. You should read the threads at the top of that section, they will explain a lot.

  4. #4
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    That would be all kinds of bad for the body...
    Your metabolism would be shot and your body would be eating up fat and muscle all day to sustain itself. You would never be able to build muscle on a diet like that if you ever did have a larger healthy meal I think your body would just break it down and store it as fat anyways since it's it's in starvation mode...

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