So, halfway through the current semester I feel like shit and I don't feel like eating nor working out (but i haven't stop yet) the laziness took over my motivation and now the holiday season is coming up...

OK so here's the original bulking diet:

- 6 eggs (3 whole, 3 white)
- 70g organic 5 cereal flakes
- 1 banana

- 70g brown organic rice
- 135g Can of tuna, fully dried

- 70g brown organic rice
- ~220g chicken breast

(any of those meals here)

(any of those meals here)

- 2 scoop(64g) ON Cassein
- 2 scoop peanut butter

New plan:

Im going to making every second day one big pot with 3kg of pastas and 1kg of lean ground beef and split it into multiple "snack" meals in between the other meals to boost my eating habits.

So what do you guys think?
Will it suffice my bulking diet?
Can I maintain a 1-2kg weight gain per month?