I'm trying to tweak my workout/diet to maximize size and strength gains from this cycle that I'm about to start. I'm posting the cycle, my diet, and current workout. I'm asking for help on the workout, and tweaking the diet to add more calories and fats.

29 yo
200 lb
9% bf (calipers, 7 site)

Dbol - 30mg/day for wk 1-4
Test E - 400mg/wk for wk 1-12
Deca - 250mg/wk for wk 1-10
Tamox - 10mg/day for wk 1-17
Clomid - 300mg-50mg taper wk 15-17

Meal 1 – 7:00
2 Egg Whites, 1 Scoop Of Whey Protein, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 Tbsp PB, 1 banana
51.5g protein / 90g carbs / 13g fat – 795 calories

Meal 2 – 10:00
4oz Turkey Breast, 1slice swiss cheese
40g protein / 26g carbs / 9.5g fat – 330 calories

Meal 3 – 12:30
8oz Chicken Breast, 1 cup Whole Grain Rice, 1 cup Mixed Veggies
59.5g protein / 45g carbs / 6.5g fat – 510 calories

Meal 4 – 3:30
1 can of Tuna, 16 Wheat Thins, 1 Nutri-Grain Bar, 1 Trail-mix Bar
33g protein / 73g carbs / 11g fat – 530 calories

Meal 5: Pre-workout – 5:00
1 scoop Whey
24g protein / 4g carbs / 1.5g fat – 130 calories

Workout – 5:30

Meal 5: Post-workout -7:00
2 Scoops Whey Protein , 2 cups OJ, 3 cups Spinach, ½ cup Cucumber, 3oz Carrots
55.5g protein / 57g carbs / 3g fat – 573 calories

Meal 6: Dinner 7:30
3 oz Fish Fillet, 1 Sweet Potato, 1 cup Veggies
28g protein / 35g carbs / 7g fat – 300 calories

Meal 8: Before Bed – 9:00
1 cup Cottage Cheese, 1 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil
26g protein / 0g carbs / 15g Fat – 280 calories

Total = 317.5g Protein / 330g Carbs / 66.5g of fat. - 3528 calories

only listing working sets

Monday - Chest/abs
Incline dumbell - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Flat dumbell - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Decline dumbell - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6 reps
Pec deck or dumbell fly - 3x10 reps
Cable rope crunch - 4x15 reps
Hanging leg raises - 4x15 reps

Tuesday - Legs
Leg press - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Hack squat - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Plyometrics (4 diff. jumps) 1x20-50 reps for each
Standing calf raises (weighted) - 10x10 reps with 10 sec breaks
Seated calf raises - 3x10 reps

Thursday - Back/shoulders
V-bar or lat pull downs - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Hammer machine row - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Low cable row - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Straight arm pull downs (superset with high rope row) - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Military press - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Front raises - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Side raises - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Barbell shrugs (superset with dumbell shrugs) - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps

Friday - Triceps/abs
Skull crushers (superset with close grip presses) - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Weighted Dips - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
V-bar push downs - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Rope kickbacks - 3x10 reps
Swiss oblique twists with powerbands - 4x15 reps
Swiss ball leg raises - 4x15 reps

Saturday - Biceps/forearms
Straight bar curl - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Seated incline curl - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Hammer Preacher - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Standing curls - 1x10 reps, 1x8 reps, 1x6reps
Reverse curls (camber bar) - 4x10 reps
Wrist curls (straight bar) - 4x10 reps
Rope twist - 4 sets up/down, up/down

Every now and then I throw negatives in at the end of a workout.

I would like to do the following:
- Increase calorie intake to 4000+.
- Add statics and rest-pauses to EVERY workout.
- Train as much as possible without overtraining. I currently have a hard time getting out of the gym in less than 1 hr 30 min. on Thursdays.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
