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  1. #1
    x_SANDMAN_x is offline Associate Member
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    No carb diet plan...good or bad?

    Im thinking of incorporating a 6 meal a day diet plan which is carb-free. The only meals which will contain carbs are:

    1. Breakfast
    2. the meal b4 the workout.

    I will be eating about 4000 calories a day which is about 800 calories more than my daily energy expenditure. The reason im doing this is cz im a little carb sensitive (doesnt matter whether organic/whole grain carbs or not) and i want to gain lean muscle without fat (or a little fat). What do you guys think? I figure the only use of carbs is for energy....and the only time i need energy is during my workout; hence, the meal b4 my workout. And breakfast because i have the entire day to burn the calories from carbs.

    Whats your input on this?

  2. #2
    mg0922's Avatar
    mg0922 is offline Associate Member
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    In not an expert so you'll have to wait for a more experienced dieter, but those look like Great times for your carbs, I'm not sure but after your workout you might need some complex carbs. Helps with your insulin if your trying to gain muscle.

    You ll get some better responses though

    Good luck


  3. #3
    SergeantCarbs is offline Associate Member
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    Your trying to bulk / gain muscle. Your muscles will appriecate the glyocgen...

  4. #4
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
    cerealkiller326 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't recommend it, fat and carb is an energy source. I used to only consume majority of my carbs for breakfast, pre-workout and post workout. I lost weight but I never actually had enough energy to lift as I should have. If your going to give it a go I would definately add a carb source for post work out meal aswell, oats would be good. And I'm assuming your carb source is complex? Good luck

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    ive personally found an all or nothing approach seems to work with carbs when it comes to me. Meaning a "moderate" or "timed" carb diet doesnt do me justice. I have seen some people have success limiting carb intake later in the day(say after 6pm). Personally its no carb with a carb load day .....or a good standard 40/40/20 (or very close to it) diet for me. Everyone is different -you may have to just try this for yourself and see how you respond.

  6. #6
    Sir Anabolic's Avatar
    Sir Anabolic is offline New Member
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    I've done no carb days a few times, don't like it. Makes me feel like shit.

    You need carbs brother, don't skimp on these when trying to put on muscle. I would put in carbs for every meal before your workout and then high GI carbs post workout.

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    for me, the no carb diet works ok for cutting, so long as I don't hit the weights too intensly... otherwise, if I work out too hard, I get kinda crabby

  8. #8
    scrunnyronnie is offline New Member
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    My upcoming diet has about 130g of carbs, enough to keep me sane.

  9. #9
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    I recommend carbs 1st thing in the morning, and pre/post workout bare minimum. Not having carbs PWO is a mistake IMO. Your muscle cells are super sensitive/receptive for a short time, so why not take advantage of carbs effect on insulin . I do NOT recommend simple carbs though, we're not looking for a huge insulin spike, just some activity.

    All that said - based on your caloric intake it's safe to assume adding mass is your primary goal. IMO, more carb meals would better serve your purpose. Keep them at the times discussed, and I'd also add them to the meals earlier in the day

    Lastly - 800 over your tdee is kind of high. Feeding your body more food then it can use will not build muscle faster, it will be stored as bodyfat. 500 above is plenty. Also, 3200 is a really high tdee for most people unless hour REALLY active. How did you figure it, with the formulas? IMO they always tend to spit out numbers on the high side

    Try LBM x 15 = tdee. Very simple, and more accurate IMO. Granted, far from scientific but works well for a majority of people. GL brotha!
    Last edited by gbrice75; 01-09-2011 at 08:22 AM. Reason: iPhone mistakes

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