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  1. #1
    Techguy30's Avatar
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    Need some help (Cutting)

    I am trying to get my diet straightend out, I dont have a problem really with eating bad foods (I think) its just getting the times to eat it down. Let me know what you think. Looking to cut down to 10%bf

    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 167
    BF% around 15?? will upload pics later to see what you think. I think im close though
    Training experience: solid 5 days a week 2yrs


    Breakfeast 5:20

    1/2cup oats 5/27/3 150cals
    3eggs or eggbeaters ( just depends on mood) 18/3/0 90cals
    1 scoop whey 26/4/2 140cals

    49/34/5 380cals

    Workout 6:00-7:20

    1scoop whey protein 26/4/2 140cals
    4oz gilled chicken 23/2/2 187 cals
    1/2 cup of brown rice 5/23/2 218 cals

    54/29/8 545cals

    Lunch 10:00 or 10:30 (depends on how busy work is)

    6oz grilled chicken 35/1/0 165cals
    small salad w/out dressing or steamed veggies 1/3/0 17cals

    36/4/0 182cals


    1 can Tuna 40/0/1.1 180 cals
    1tbsp Mayo (w.Olive oil) 0/2/4 44 cals

    40/2/5.1 213 cals
    (Thanks cerealkiller326, I honestly have been overlooking tuna I had no clue it had 40g protein)


    6oz grilled chicken 35/1/0 165cals
    small salad w/out dressing or steamed veggies 1/3/0 17cals

    36/4/0 182cals

    5:30 sometimes 6:30 Dinner
    (where im most worried about)

    8oz chicken 46/0/2 220cals ( sometimes cooked in italian dressing sometimes shake and bake)
    green beans 1/4/0 20cals
    Sweet Potatoe 1/12/0 54cals
    48/16/2 294cals

    8:30 or 9

    2scoops of Casein before bed (Not sure of brand, switching from whey)

    50/4/0 220cals (cytosport complete casein)

    Grand Total for day 313/93/20 2016cals

    1 time a week usually friday dinner I go for a cheat meal (usually fajitas at our local mexican restaurant) The chips and salsa is what kills me

    I came up with these numbers when I weighed 175 about 3 weeks to a month ago. ( Not sure if they are right but i gave it a shot)

    167@15% LBM=141.95 LBMx1.5=213 x10=2130 cals

    TDEE: 2130 Cals


    Any info would be greatly appreciated, I am looking to cut down to 10%bf

    Ive tried to read as much as possible on this site, It has helped me alot. 2yrs ago I weighed 205 (almost all fat lol)

    If you need me to post my workout routine I would gladly put it on here, just not sure if I should put it here or in another section
    Here are a couple pics Am I close on my 15% bf estimate, ive never had measured but am going off other peoples pics and stats

    My phone takes horrible pics and this is immediately after dinner soo I look a little bigger in the gut lol (only spare time I had for pics).
    Last edited by Techguy30; 01-27-2011 at 08:45 PM.

  2. #2
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Techguy30 View Post
    I am trying to get my diet straightend out, I dont have a problem really with eating bad foods (I think) its just getting the times to eat it down. Let me know what you think. Looking to cut down to 10%bf

    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 167
    BF% around 15?? will upload pics later to see what you think. I think im close though
    Training experience: solid 5 days a week 2yrs


    Breakfeast 5:20

    1/2cup outs
    3eggs or eggbeaters ( just depends on mood)
    1 scoop whey 25gram protein

    Workout 6:00-7:20

    PWO 2 scoops whey ( I use bodyfortress whey to change)
    280cals/52gram protein/4.5fat/3g sugar/8carbs

    Need more carbs in PWO add oats in your shake or reduce to 1 scoop whey and have a solid PWO meal with 4oz Chicken with 1/2 cup brown rice or sweet potato....

    Lunch 10:00 or 10:30 (depends on how busy work is)

    6oz grilled chicken
    small salad w/out dressing or steamed veggies


    2 scoops of whey protein

    I would trash this shake and replace with solid food:
    1 can Tuna 40/0/1.1 180 cals
    1tbsp Mayo (w.Olive oil) 0/2/4 44 cals

    40/2/5.1 213 cals


    6oz grilled chicken
    small salad w/out dressing or steamed veggies ( I pack the same thing as my lunch, I just cook double the night before and package for work)

    5:30 sometimes 6:30 Dinner
    (where im most worried about)

    8oz chicken ( sometimes cooked in italian dressing sometimes shake and bake)
    green beans
    instant mashed potatoes ( I know bad but I havent found a easy substitute yet)

    ***Before someone freaks out replace that mashed potatoes with sweet potatoes

    with my meals I always drink a poweraide zero or water
    ****I would just stick with plain water,doesn't get any better than that bro

    8:30 or 9:00

    2scoops of whey before bed (should I switch to casein?)

    I would switch to casein protein, if shake is not available to you, cottage cheese is enough.

    sometimes I snack on my wife snickers marathon bars if im in hurry thoughout the work day or on weekend (not sure if they are bad)

    ****Save that bar for your wife, I would avoid anything process, instead snack on almonds.

    1 time a week usually friday dinner I go for a cheat meal (usually fajitas at our local mexican restaurant) The chips and salsa is what kills me

    ****To avoid being insane, cheat meal is okay. For me I avoid cheat meals when I'm cutting, its up to you tho.

    I came up with these numbers when I weighed 175 about 3 weeks to a month ago. ( Not sure if they are right but i gave it a shot)

    BMR of 1753.8

    TEE: 2630

    ****Based on your stats, your TDEE: 2130 Cals

    167@15% LBM=141.95 LBMx1.5=213 x10=2130 cals


    Any info would be greatly appreciated, I am looking to cut down to 10%bf

    Ive tried to read as much as possible on this site, It has helped me alot. 2yrs ago I weighed 205 (almost all fat lol)

    If you need me to post my workout routine I would gladly put it on here, just not sure if I should put it here or in another section
    In bold is for a start. I think you need to tweak your diet a bit, but glad you posted them or else you wouldn't gone far. Try to calculate your macros for each meal (protein/carb/fat cals) and daily macros. I don't know how you got your daily macro but your carbs and fat is a bit high for cutting. Shave some of those off your diet. If your starving cutting those 2 add more protein via lean meats... Try to evaluate your diet, adjust it and re-post them, someone will critique it, if not me. Good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Techguy30's Avatar
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    I will post all the macros shortly, Thanks a ton cerealkiller. I had no clue tuna was that full of protein, it makes since considering it is fish lol. Ill make sure not to pass it by at the grocery store.

  4. #4
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    No problem dude. Tuna is wicked loaded protein and with healthy oil as well.

  5. #5
    Techguy30's Avatar
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    Yea that is the best thing ive learned all day lol its cheap, good, and fast

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Diet looked pretty good to begin with, but even better since Cereal got to it. He has you sorted out nicely, u don't need me here! =P

  7. #7
    Techguy30's Avatar
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    thanks for the input gbrice, ive read a bunch of your stuff soo you have already helped me in ways unknown.

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Techguy30 View Post
    thanks for the input gbrice, ive read a bunch of your stuff soo you have already helped me in ways unknown.
    Good deal, cheers! =)

  9. #9
    Techguy30's Avatar
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    pics added am I close to 15% bf? Thanks guys

  10. #10
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Tough to tell from those pics alone, but i'd say you're close to 15%, possibly a bit higher but not much.

  11. #11
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    Just to be safe and not get my hopes up im gonna go with 17% in my mind lol It will make me more motivated, soo with my calculations I need to drop 13lbs of fat? So I would weigh 155.....thats depressing lol

  12. #12
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    Im also thinking about starting a log, any suggestions?

  13. #13
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    Today as of now...

    3eggs 18/3/0 90 cals
    1scoop whey 26/4/2 140

    44/7/2 230cals


    4oz shake and bake chicken 24/9/3 227
    1scoop whey 26/4/2 140

    50/13/5 367cals

    8oz tilapia 42/0/1.5 186cals
    salad 2.6/6/0 33cals

    44.6/6/1.5 219cals

    I know I am lacking carbs, but I am working with what Ive got. I have to goto the grocery store and get some good sources of carbs. Rite now I have oats and brown rice but I had to work late last night and did not get to prepare the brown rice before and I need a blender for my oats to throw in my whey. Should be getting everything straightend out at the grocery tomorrow I have the protein sources today just not much on the carbs.

    6:00 - 745 extra long chest day, I feel super motivated right now soo I hit it hard
    2DB dropsets

    10x70lbs 10x55lbs 10x30lbs ( I like doing these to get a good burn)

    2sets heavy dumbell until failure
    90x4 (I burn out easy)

    Incline 3sets
    (Smith Machine)

    Cable Crossovers
    4x10 top
    4x10 lower
    4x10 sitting middle flys

    Chest press machine

    2 sets high reps to burn out

    I usually do 2 body parts a day but on friday I hit chest again by its self

    My schedule as of now is

    Monday Chest and Traps
    Tuesday Back and Shoulders
    Wednesday Bi's and Tri's
    Thursday Legs
    Friday Chest Again
    Saturday Cardio and Bi's and Tri's
    Sunday DAY OFF
    I am trying to fit abs in whenever I can, but I have kinda held off because of having high bf%

    I am going to start doing cardio in the PM next week maybe 3 days a week soo that would put me at 4 days of cardio and 6 days lifting

    I usually swap the Bi's and Tris day with Chest every week.

    Am I overtraining???
    Last edited by Techguy30; 01-28-2011 at 10:43 AM.

  14. #14
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    Another thing lol I am prolly driving people crazy with all the questions and info but how would eating say a 8 oz sirloin steak compare to a shake of casein for my before bed meal. Does steak have a similar affect because of the slow digestion???

  15. #15
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Hey bro, i'm bumping this for you because the wife just got in and I gotta log off for a while.

    I think you already started the other thread about beef before bed - to reiterate, yes, it's a great choice. =)

  16. #16
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    Hittin the grocery today, I will post what I come up with for the week later. Thanks for the help guys

  17. #17
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Looking like 17-18% IMO.

  18. #18
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    however much it is im def not proud of it lol Im gonna try to get some calipers this week and get measured

  19. #19
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    You'll get there fairly quick now that you seem to have your diet dialed down. Good Luck bro

  20. #20
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    1/31/2011 Protein Carbs Fat cals

    3eggs 18 3 0 90
    1 scoop whey 26 4 2 140
    1/2cup oats 5 27 3 150

    49 34 5 380

    1scoop whey 26 4 2 140
    4oz chicken 23 2 2 187
    1/2cup rice 5 23 2 218

    54 29 6 545
    6oz Chicken 35 1 0 165
    1cup brocolli 1 4 0 30

    36 5 0 195
    1can tuna 20 0 8 160
    1tsp mayo 0 2 4 40
    2 boiled eggs 12 0 14 150

    32 2 26 350
    6oz chicken 35 1 0 165
    1cup cup brocolli 1 4 0 30

    36 5 0 195
    8oz chicken 46 0 2 220
    green beans 1 4 0 20
    sweet potatoes 1 12 0 54

    48 16 2 274

    steak 8oz ny strip 39 7 0 220

    TOTALS 294 98 39 2159

    This is what I got for tomorrow on deck let me know if I need to make any changes

  21. #21
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    Soo far everything has been good, down to 165 already! Its crazy how much food it seems like I am consuming to loose weight. I guess its just because all the food is low cal.

  22. #22
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    Diet looks pretty good! Keep us updated! Good Luck Tech

  23. #23
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    Thanks man, I will keep you guys posted on how it works out for me.

  24. #24
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    what do you guys think about his pwo meal? chicken/brown rice/whey? How about a simple whey and oats and move this to a ppwo meal??

    just an idea.....

  25. #25
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
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    That is good too, I personally don't like to rely only on one shake, without a doubt whey protein is guzzled after my work out, I just go home and eat small portion of chicken and brown rice as well. I think tech took my advise and following it.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by cerealkiller326 View Post
    That is good too, I personally don't like to rely only on one shake, without a doubt whey protein is guzzled after my work out, I just go home and eat small portion of chicken and brown rice as well. I think tech took my advise and following it.

  27. #27
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    I may interchange the pwo meal to make things quicker on certain days, I head to work straight from the gym soo it could be easier. At the moment ive been just eating at the gym before I go to work. Ive been trying to cut down my shakes. I may use a shake with oats on a couple days if im short on prepared chicken or rice. My wife seems to be liking the diet because im cooking nonstop it seems, it took a little bit of work off of her plate lol.

  28. #28
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    I may use 1/2 cup oats with 2scoops of whey and 2tb spoons of natty peanut butter for pwo Ill figure the numbers on it later this evening and see ( not sure what all the numbers are on my natty peanut butter, I know its 10g protein but not sure on cals fat and carbs)

  29. #29
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    PWO for me is 50g blended protein (whey, casein, egg albumin) w/ 1 cup oats, then PPWO is 6oz chicken breast, 3/4 cup brown rice and 3/4 cup black and red beans. Good stuff!

  30. #30
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    Update everything has been smooth sailing so far weight is probably around 163, Im already showing more muscle definition and increased vascularity (not huge change but Ive had people point it out to me sooo its not all in my head) Hoping to see some abs for my beach trip in 5months.....Ive never seen them in my life so it would be huge confidence booster for me. I may post some pics in a week or two to show some more progress. Thanks again everyone this has been great!

  31. #31
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    This is my diet for tomorrow need help on it, I think I may have screwed something up. Any help would be great.

    2eggs 12/0/20 148
    4whites 20/0/0 100
    1/2 cup oats 5/27/3 150
    1scoop whey 26/4/2 140

    63/31/25 538

    720 am
    2scoops whey 52/8/4 280
    1/2 cup oats 5/27/3 150

    57/35/7 430

    4oz chicken 21/0/3 120
    1cup rice 10/68/3 300

    31/68/6 420


    6oz chicken 31.5/0/5 180
    1cup brocoli 1/4/0 30

    32.5/0/35 210


    2cans tuna 40/0/4 200
    1tbsp mayo light w olive oil 0/2/4 45

    40/2/8 245

    6 pm

    6oz chicken 31.5/0/5 180
    1cup green beans 0/4/0 20
    sweet potatoe fries 4/41/0 180

    35.5/45/5 380


    4oz ground beef 27/0/18 278
    1/2 cup cottage cheese 14/6/1.5 90

    41/6/19.5 368

    Grand Total
    300/190/105.5 2591

    Can I get some help, this is tomorrow for me and I don't feel like it is good... where should I make cuts???? Thanks guys

  32. #32
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    Im thinking I can do good with cutting out the sweet potatoe fries at six and making my pwo 1scoop whey and making ppwo closer It would cut out 330cals but I will loose a good source of carbs

  33. #33
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    Heres a pic from around 2yrs ago or soo, lost 40 in 1st yr then gained some lbm in the last year

    Just thought I would put this up, was looking through some old pics and came across this one.....cant believe I was that big
    Last edited by Techguy30; 02-09-2011 at 08:59 AM.

  34. #34
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    115 the picture fixed lol weighed in around 205 in that pic....maybe more I didnt like scales around that time period sooo who knows could be more
    Last edited by Techguy30; 02-09-2011 at 09:03 AM.

  35. #35
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    all has been well soo far just an update I will post pics when in a week or soo, I have lost some strength cutting but Its not been too bad. Ill be looking to bulk up some as soon as I hit my goal though lol Weight is hovering around 160 to 162 at the moment

  36. #36
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Based on the old pic and stats alone, great job so far bro! Looking forward to seeing the recent pics!

  37. #37
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    Thanks man

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