Hi everyone, I just joined this site because I have been working out regularly now for a few years, but have not been making the progress I want to be making towards having a leaner, more muscular body. I don't necessarily want to try to have a body like Arnold - perhaps more like what you'd see in Men's Health magazine. Here are my stats:

Height: 6'
Weight: 192
Body Fat% 20
BMR: 1926

My goal is to reduce my body fat% to around 12-14% and hopefully have nice abs before I turn 40. I normally work from 5am-1pm and go straight to the gym after work. My workout consists of 1.5 hours of weight training followed by 1 hour of cardio. I normally go to the gym 5 days a week - I do a different body part each day: 1) chest, 2)back, 3) shoulders, 4)arms, and 5) legs I try to do abs each day. For my cardio, I do HIIT running 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the times I may do elliptical, jogging, swimming, or the stairmaster.

I have tried to keep to a high protein/low-ish carb diet, but it is not working very well. I know I have been drinking too many diet cokes/coke zero's. So, I have decided to make a concerted effort to only drink water from now on, and I am looking for the best diet routine to help me achieve my goals.

I would really appreciate any suggestions you all may be able to offer. While looking at this site, I saw one diet routine that looked interesting, but I wonder if it would be good for me to achieve my goals:

5:00 A.M – 8 Egg Whites and 1 cup rolled oats, 25g protein shake

11:00 A.M. – 4-6 Oz Chicken Breast/shrimp

1:30 P.M. – Preworkout meal – 8 Egg Whites, ½ cup brown rice

2-4:30 PM – Weight Lifting/ Cardio

4:30 P.M – Post Workout meal – 1 cup grinded oats with ½ protein shake with water (2 to 1 Ratio), Fish Oil Tab

5 P.M - 6-8 oz grilled chicken w/ lettuce and tomato, TBSP on olive oil and redwine vinegar.

8 P.M. – 4 Hard Boiled Egg White with lettuce and tomato. TBSP of olive oil and red wine vinegar. Fish Oil Tab

Thank you very much!