Short summary of Cut #1

Stats at 12 September 2011
Height: 154cm
Before Challenge Weight: 51.4 kgs
Age: 25

Objective: Lose fat while maintaining LBM

Mid-September last year I did the 12 week challenge together with my bf ‘Boxa06’. My training consisted of a combination of weights & cardio, 5 times a week, all that is logged in my bf's thread in the Members Cycle section logged as 2011/12 Summer Test Enanthate Cycle Log. Our diet structure had it's differences in particular with respect to my carbohydrate intake. This is one aspect of which I will be adjusting this time around. I was stubborn and despite the advice of my bf at the time I only had 1 serve of carbs (30g) in the morning each day and that was it. The rest of the day consisted of lean protein and fibrous vegetables. I now realise that because I was not consuming enough carbohydrates for my TDEE I found that I was extremely tired and hungry and plateaued too quickly. I’d still be hungry even after I’d eaten and found that I consumed large amounts of fibrous vegetables at and in between meals to compensate. My training sessions were full on and maybe due to such a low carb intake I may have not got the best out of them being so depleted and possibly putting myself into a catabolic stage, but in saying that I believe that I maintained most of my LBM as I my strength with weight training didn’t descend. At the beginning of this cut I didn’t take my BF% although down the track I had a BF% of 15%.

After Challenge Weight 47.2 kgs

Adjustments for Round 2 will be that I measure my BF% at the beginning, during and end; incorporate 2/3 short sessions of fasted cardio in the mornings; and consume carbohydrates not just in the morning but also pre and post workout.

Cut #2

Objective Lose fat while maintaining LBM
Stats at 1 October 2012
Height: 154cm
Weight: 52.4
Age: 26
BF%: 22

*chicken, meat & fish is cooked weight