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  1. #1
    biggjd69's Avatar
    biggjd69 is offline Associate Member
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    I want to start a cycle but first i want to cut some bodyfat

    I am ready to start a cycle but first I think I need to cut some bodyfat. May I have a nutrional tips please. Here are my current stats;

    20% bodyfat
    AGE 43

    I lift 5 days a week, bodypart a day. Cardio 3 x week
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails I want to start a cycle but first i want to cut some bodyfat-2010-11-02-20.41.57.jpg  
    Last edited by biggjd69; 01-10-2013 at 12:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Scottyb13's Avatar
    Scottyb13 is offline Associate Member
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    Post this in the steroid Q & A thread for better replies!

  3. #3
    alex18's Avatar
    alex18 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottyb13 View Post
    Post this in the steroid Q & A thread for better replies!
    WTF why would he do that? he's asking for nutrition advice!

    OP - read through stickies - there is plenty of information in there!

  4. #4
    biggjd69's Avatar
    biggjd69 is offline Associate Member
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    Lol, Thanks Alex18

  5. #5
    alex18's Avatar
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    photo - i see the glass/window cleaner - keeping that mirror clean! haha.

    yeah in all seriousness - those stickies are great for reading through. I dont want to pretend to be an expert and give you A1 advice.... read through those stickies and try figure out what may work for you...then come back and ask questions if you have any. good luck bro

  6. #6
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    after going thru the stickies, post up an example of what you eat on an everyday basis so we can critique.

    230 x .20 = 46

    230-46 = 184 lean body mass

    184 x 15 = 2760 cals for maintenance

    you should cut at 2100-2200 cals and try this macro split 50% pro/30% carb/20% fats.

    fasted AM cardio also helps!

  7. #7
    biggjd69's Avatar
    biggjd69 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys, Now on that fasted AM should that be everyday?

  8. #8
    biggjd69's Avatar
    biggjd69 is offline Associate Member
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    This is my current diet;

    am trying to get down to 12-15% bodyfat.

    Breakfast-3 eggs and 1/2 cut of oats
    Mid Morning- Protein Shake and 1oz Almonds
    Lunch- Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, and Veggie
    Mid Afternoon-Protein Shake, brown rice, and 1oz Almonds or Almond Butter

    Dinner-Chicken Breast or Talipia, and Veggie

    One Cheat meal a week

    AM Cardio three times a week and 5 days a week I lift, body part a day and lift heavy.

    Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions is appreciate it. Thanks

  9. #9
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    From one older guy to another go ahead and cycle(test) and use the cycle to help you cut bf, get your diet on point. This is just my opinion.

  10. #10
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggjd69 View Post
    Thanks guys, Now on that fasted AM should that be everyday?
    just do it at least 4-5 times a week.

    Quote Originally Posted by biggjd69 View Post
    This is my current diet;

    am trying to get down to 12-15% bodyfat.

    Breakfast-3 eggs and 1/2 cut of oats
    Mid Morning- Protein Shake and 1oz Almonds
    Lunch- Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, and Veggie
    Mid Afternoon-Protein Shake, brown rice, and 1oz Almonds or Almond Butter

    Dinner-Chicken Breast or Talipia, and Veggie

    One Cheat meal a week

    AM Cardio three times a week and 5 days a week I lift, body part a day and lift heavy.

    Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions is appreciate it. Thanks
    for starters, you are not eating enough and try to limit the protein shakes and sub in real food. do you and me a favor by writing next to each food item, number of protein/carbs/fats/cals, that way you will actually see your numbers and how much you are eating. i use my fitness pal app to track cals and macros! you can also go online and put in the numbers you want to eat at!

    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    From one older guy to another go ahead and cycle(test) and use the cycle to help you cut bf, get your diet on point. This is just my opinion.
    i disagree with this unless he has bloodwork to back it up. i would never just tell anyone to go ahead and cycle.

  11. #11
    biggjd69's Avatar
    biggjd69 is offline Associate Member
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    My bloodwork Results

    CBC was normal.
    GFR-CALC >60 (60-NML>=60) mL/min
    PSA(1.22) (0-1.99) ng/mL
    Cholesterol (176) (25-199)
    Glucose-90 (70-125)
    TSH SENSITIVE 1.12 (.34-5.60)
    PROLACTIN 9.86 (2.64-13.3)
    Pancreas, liver all normal, no diabetes
    Urine was normal
    FSH 1.88 (1.27-19.26)
    LH WAS LOW 1.15 (1.24-8.62) mIU/mL
    TESTOST TOTAL WAS LOW 1.22(1.75-7.51) ng/ML

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