Height 5,9
weight 193,6 lbs
age 21
body fat 12,54% Goal 7-8%

6:30am - wake up

7am - meal 1 - 1 cup Oats + 6 Egg White 402 cal - 54g c - 34g p - 5g f

10am - meal 2 - 29gr of chees and 9 egg whites 254cal 44protein / 7,54 fat

12am - 2medium chicken breast + brown Rice - 1 cup cooked 518cal 61g protein 46c 8 fat

1pm - meal 3 - Whey protein 2 scoops+ 1banana + 1apple + 2grams omega 415cal 44g p - 53,6c - 5,4gr fat + 24grams from 8grGlutamin/grbcaa/8grkreatin



4pm - meal 4 - jumpo 2 scoops 457cal 53p 77,5c 3g fat 24grams from 8grGlutamin/grbcaa/8grkreatin

7pm - meal 5 - Fish , tuna (1 can)+ spoon olive oil - 260 cal - 0g c - 42g p 7g f

10pm - meal 6 - BEDTIME MEAL - 2scoops whey protein + omega 240cal 44g protein, 8g carbs, 7.5g

Total nutrition

cal 2546
protein 322gr
carbs 238gr
fat 43,5

just experimenting with info from dieting 101 thread
this is supposed the be a cutting diet plan with out losing muscles
my first time putting together a diet plan is this terrible ?