Just looking for a little advice....

Age: 35
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 159-160.......thats down from around 175-180 lbs
BF: 13-15%

Been working out off and on for several years in a constant pursuit to gain weight.....and I had managed to do so with a good bit of excess bodyfat. Now switching gears and am trying to focus more on leaning out for a while and really fine tuning my knowledge about dieting and eating properly.

Weight Training: 4 days/week...currently doing no cardio

Was doing 20-30 minutes of low intensity/moderate cardio (treadmill 4.0 speed on incline) before my workouts, but it didnt really seem to be doing anything, so I dropped it.

5:30 am workouts and working out in the fasted state. (I am aware now by my readings that I should at least try to throw in a pre-workout meal or shake.) My only routine now is coffee and I chug lots of water prior to going.

Mon: Legs/Calves
~Standing Calf Raise or Donkey Calf: 5x20

~Barbell Squats: 2xwarm-up, 4x10
~Leg Press: 4x12
~Leg Extensions: 4x12-15
~Leg Curls: 4x12-15
~Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: 4x10

Tues: Chest
~Incline Dumbbell Press: 2xwarm-up, 4x10
~Incline Flyes: 4x12
~Flat Dumbbell Press: 1 set to transtion over from incline, 4x10
~Flat Flyes or Cable Flyes: 4x12
~~Occasional Machine Bench Press: 2xFailure

Wed: Off

Thurs: Back/Biceps
~Pull-ups or Lat Pulldowns: 4x10
~Barbell Rows: 4x10
~V-bar cable Pulldowns: 4x10
~Dumbbell Rows: 4x10

~Barbell Curls: 4x10-12
~Alternating Dumbbell Curls: 3x10
~Hammer Curls: 3x10

Friday: Shoulder/Triceps/Traps
~Seated Dumbbell Press: 2xwarm-up, 4x10
~Barbell Up-right Rows: 4x10
~Dumbbell Side Laterals: 3x12
~Rear Fly Machine: 3x15
~Front Dumbbell Raise: 3x12

~Machine Dips: 4x10
~Single Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions: 3x10
~V-bar or Rope Cable Tricep Pushdowns: 4x12

~Barbell Shrugs: 4-5x10
Sat: Off
Sun: Off

I am actually looking to try to drop more weight while trying to maintain what little bit of mass that I have. Just looking to try to get into the single bodyfat digits or right at or just below 10% BF. Just really trying to see if I can get my dieting down and then if I can get down that low I am going to switch over and do my first cycle. I am currenty on HRT...running Test Cyp 200 mg/week. Will be going Ron Rowlands program of reloading and deloading with my workout and cycle when I get to that point.

Just really looking for some advice on my diet for now. Been doing a Dave Palumbo type diet for a while and I feel like I have come to a hault on my weight loss. I guess that I am needing to add in some cardio although I have heard that you should be able to drop weight and lose bodyfat simply off your diet???

I think I need to be around 145-150 lbs to achieve the bodyfat % that I am wanting to get down to.

My diet looks something like this:

This diet is on Dave Palumbo's cutting protocol for 155 lb person with 15% bodyfat.

Meal#1 3-4 whole eggs [280 kcal, 24g protein, 0g carbs, 16g fat]
Meal#2 5 oz lean meat (chicken usually), 1/4 cup almonds [458 kcal, 41g protein, 12g carbs, 31g fat]
Meal#3 30g whey protein shake w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter [225 kcal, 34g protein, 4g carbs, 8g fat]
Meal#4 7 oz lean beef, 1 cup romaine lettuce, 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp flaxseed oil [426 kcal, 41g protein, 1.5g carbs, 14g fat]
Meal#5 30g whey protein shake w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter [225 kcal, 34g protein, 4g carbs, 8g fat]
Meal#6 3-4 whole eggs [280 kcal, 24g protein, 0g carbs, 16g fat]

Total: [1894 kcal, 198g protein, 21.5g carbs, 93g fat]......this is just a sample day. I generally eat the same things minus an egg or two.

Running this same type meal consistently with one cheat MEAL on Fridays to where I eat the same thing as on my diet except for my meal# 4 I will add in as much carbs as I can.

Looking to drop weight and lean out primarily right now for summer. I will focus on adding more mass once I accomplish this goal.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!!!