I'm looking to build lean mass while cutting bf right now I'm at 12% weight 160 age 23 I've been training hard for 4 years now.

.75 cup of liquid egg whites
1/2 cup oatmeal

1 can tuna

Chicken 4 oz.
great northern beans 1/4 cup
Pinto beans 1/4 cup
Red beans 1/4 cup

1 can tuna

Whole grain bread 2 slices
Turkey 2 slices
Ham 2 slices

4 oz. chicken
great northern beans 1/4 cup
Pinto beans 1/4 cup
Red beans 1/4 cup

Protein shake

Almonds 1/4 cup
Whole grain bread 2 slices
2 tbsp peanut butter

I work out 6 days a week cardio every other day my workouts last from 1:30-2 hours (including cardio). I eat fruit and frozen vegetables all day in between meals I eat every 2-3 hours and I take a multi vitamin fish oil and flax seed.

Protein: 259
Carbs: 282 ( I didn't minus dietary fiber)
Fat: 62.5
Calories: 2510