guys/gals, i'm ready to get flamed here, but let me qualify myself. i'm an office worker now, but i was a butcher at a slaughter house for 2 years after university. I couldn't find a job. i got hired as a 'knocker'. 3 cattle shot per minute, 8 hours a day, 255 days for the first year. i have personally shot over 370,000 cows straight in the head. my second year i got 'promoted' to first cut. so i took >370,000 cattle that were clinging to life and cut their throat all the way to the tummy. i don't mean this to be's life. that was back in 2000. i've been a steak and potatoes guy ever since, no judgement, this is how we operate.
I've periodically run gear, always worked out, always ate hard. steak/chicken/yams/green veg/ all that jazz.
i'm not that big compared to a lot of folks on this form
6'2", 230, fairly lean.
I'm considering becoming a vegetarian. for my own reasons, I will never judge anyone, as i'm eating a steak salad as i write this lol.
my question is this... can someone be a vegetarian (assuming they learn the diet), run minimal gear, and still be big and lean, or does being a big/lean dude require the usual meat/poultry/fish.
thanks in advance for any answers/opinions!