10-06-2015, 02:19 AM #1
Hi Guys I'm stuck on how to work out my daily Macro intake out from Calories to grams. My TDEE is at 3881 and I'm wanting to cut so I have subtracted 500 from this giving me 3381. I'm wanting to do a 40/40/20 split. Rounded off I get P/ 1352 C/ 1352 F/ 677 Can anyone help me on how I work out my daily Macros into grams from the calories provided ? Sorry for been a bit thick but still new to all this dieting. Cheers for any help
10-06-2015, 03:42 AM #2Originally Posted by kenny3478
So, divide your cals by those aforementioned numbers to arrive at your grams.
1,352 cals from protein= 338g
1,352 cals from carbs= 338g
677 cals from fats= 75.2g
Now you can decide whether your meals will be pro/carb or pro/fat and divide those number by the number of meals that incorporate those macros.
10-06-2015, 03:45 AM #3
Thanks that's great I can now work on changing the split now I know what the P/C/F are worth.
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Yes sir, when you drop your estrogen down to nothing you generally feel shitty and ache like hell. Try backin off the AI some next time.
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