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  1. #1
    prostreet1500's Avatar
    prostreet1500 is offline New Member
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    just how bad is this

    alright im in a bulking phase and will be untill march seeing as im trying to become 205 im 185 right now im only 18. alright theres 2 parts to this question. im in college and i live on campus the only pluse to this is the food is all u can eat! but the choices are not that great everything is mass produced and i think there putting laxitives in every thing they can. one of the things i eat a ton of is tuna. but its got mayonase ( i cant spell) in it and i think its got a bit much, when i eat i eat a ton beucase im trying to gain. but im trying to put on quality lean mass not just fat, so should i keep hammering down the tuna or take it easy on it? and my second question is how much does alcohol kill your muscle gains? thusday nights are drinkin nights and i norm take 2 shots of jack daniels then mix some jack and coke. does this kill your size benifits? i cant remeber where i saw this but i read that soda especialy coke kills muscle, as does liquor...if this is true im done drinkin but can any 1 help me out?

  2. #2
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    You should be fine with the tuna, if it really bothers you just rinse it off. As far as drinking goes alcohol does inhibit gains, just don't go too far overboard. A few shots once a week wont kill you. Just keep up with the water the day of and after you drink.

  3. #3
    DBarcelo's Avatar
    DBarcelo is offline Senior Member
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    I agree with rambo. You're young, so the mayo shouldn't be a problem for you. Just drink water while you're eating it. If you drink something sweet, it will cause a dramatic insulin spike and your body will want to start storing. Then that mayo will go right into your fat cells (not literally of course). Tuna is high in protein and protein will cause enough of an insulin spike itself. Mayo is not good for your body, but mainly because of what it can do to your arteries, but since you're only 18, you shouldn't have much of a problem with breaking it down.

    As far as alcohol is concerned, like rambo said, a few shots once a week won't kill you. Alcohol speads up a certain part of your brain. When that part of your brain is excited, it produces more of a hormone. That hormone slows down pretty much everything in your body, including protien synthesis and uptake. The alcohol is also puting your liver through some stuff, and your liver is what holds a major energy storage component within your body. I don't know of any studies that have looked into how much muscle gain inhibiting it does, but it is widely accepted that it does inhibit the formation of new musle.

    For me, after working as hard as I do in the gym and after making sure I eat the right things and drink the right things, it's just not worth it to drink any alcohol. You have to decide what's worth what and go for it.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    kstone6tb is offline Junior Member
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    Red face

    To me, the alcohol thing is kind of vague. Although there seems to be proof that alcohol is toxic to muscle tissue, and inhibits growth ect., I used to go out every weekend, get completely sloshed, and go to the gym on monday feeling great. Most of the time I would still progress with my gains and never lose any strenth. This was all natural too, without AS. On the other hand, I have heard that smoking pot is better for you than drinking, but it seems like every day after I smoke pot, I feel lazy, tired, and unmotivated. However for the last 3 weeks, I have stayed completely sober, because I have gotten really serious about my diet ect. and I have gained around 12 lbs of lean mass. I know I kind of contradicted myself with two different points, but I guess if you are really serious about getting big and ripped, I would lay off of the booze and see what happens. Later bro

  5. #5
    mass junkie's Avatar
    mass junkie is offline banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kstone6tb
    To me, the alcohol thing is kind of vague. Although there seems to be proof that alcohol is toxic to muscle tissue, and inhibits growth ect., I used to go out every weekend, get completely sloshed, and go to the gym on monday feeling great. Most of the time I would still progress with my gains and never lose any strenth. This was all natural too, without AS. On the other hand, I have heard that smoking pot is better for you than drinking, but it seems like every day after I smoke pot, I feel lazy, tired, and unmotivated. However for the last 3 weeks, I have stayed completely sober, because I have gotten really serious about my diet ect. and I have gained around 12 lbs of lean mass. I know I kind of contradicted myself with two different points, but I guess if you are really serious about getting big and ripped, I would lay off of the booze and see what happens. Later bro
    12lbs in three you gotta tell me what your I can go and buy some

  6. #6
    kstone6tb is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    12lbs in three you gotta tell me what your I can go and buy some

    I'm only 19 years old, and haven't stopped gaining weight, so I think I just had a quick spurt over the last month or so. However, NLarge2 has helped a lot, along with lots of chicken, tuna, peanut butter, protein in general! Good luck bro!

  7. #7
    BlocRoc's Avatar
    BlocRoc is offline Member
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    If you want to completely improve your life...STOP DRINKING SODA...

    Jump on the web and do a search for "high fructose corn syrup." The shit is liquid death. Ruins the body, screws the metabolism, and a host of other things that Im not going to get into.

    All my friends hate me for it, but I never stop going of on people who drink soda! IF you cant stop then at least drink DIET soda....Aspartame is far better than HFCS.


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