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  1. #1
    cb25's Avatar
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    Relatively in depth nutrition question??

    OK...I've always been under the impression that the brain can only use glucose for that even when the rest of the body uses ketone bodies (when in ketosis...doing atkins, or during starvation) there still needs to be a modicum of gluconeogenesis (to produce glucose) in order for the brain to function...

    My physiology professor begs to fact basically called me an idiot in front of the class for suggesting it...but this is what i remember from my undergrad nutrition i forgetting something?? or am i just an idiot? (don't answer that second one )

  2. #2
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    No, the body can run on fats when in ketosis, but the body functions at a less than ideal rate, there are several studies out that show decreased synaptic firing when the brain is running on ketones. That's also why individuals are sluggish during ketosis. Another reason I won't do it. It's often preached in academia that fat is a more "efficient" fuel source, but that's only in a context that doesn't pertain to bodybuilding, and is relevant to the fact that there are 9 calories per gram, as opposed to 4 for protien and carbs.

  3. #3
    longhornDr's Avatar
    longhornDr is offline Member
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    The brain can indeed use ketones as fuel, though it does take several days to adapt to the new fuel.

    Why are you arguing basic physiology with a physiology professor?

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhornDr
    Why are you arguing basic physiology with a physiology professor?
    hahha, roflmfao!!!


  5. #5
    cb25's Avatar
    cb25 is offline Banned
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Quote Originally Posted by longhornDr
    The brain can indeed use ketones as fuel, though it does take several days to adapt to the new fuel.

    Why are you arguing basic physiology with a physiology professor?
    ouch...i wasn't arguing...i just asked for clarification, as I thought i recalled differently from a previous nutrition professor...i obviously just confused my no way was i trying to argue...i may be stupid, but definitely not a complete idiot

    and yea, i figured out, it just takes a few days to adapt to ketones

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