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Thread: Average Gym rat to IFBB Pro with EP

  1. #1
    killionb12's Avatar
    killionb12 is offline Member
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    Average Gym rat to IFBB Pro with EP

    Hey guys thought I would share some tips from over the past 3 years or so that I learned while pursuing my Pro Card with Euro Pharmacies.

    Tip 1:
    More is not necessarily better. What I mean by that is that many of us including myself get this mindset that we need more and more AAS to achieve our goals. I can tell you personally that nutrition and training execution are far more important.

    My average cycle for off-season typically consisted of as much Testosterone that I can tolerate without having to use an AI or SERM. That typically would be around 400mg weekly. I have gone as high as 1000mg and saw no more benefit and often times looked worse. The amount of oxidative stress is causes on the body at those levels can even hinder your growth. Once I get to a point where I need more growth I would add in a nandrolone (Deca ) and/or a DHT derived hormone like Masteron . Typically start low around 200-300mg weekly for each. I would then titrate up in small increments as progress stalls. No need to go from 0-60 with any steroid . Allow your body to grow as much as possible with the least amount as possible before bumping up dosages.

    Current bulking cycle from EP:
    EP Test 400mg weekly
    EP Mast E 420mg weekly

    I started at 250mg Test and 200mg Mast. Typically would bump up 50-75mg weekly each time after progress stalled.

    By the way Mast E is a bulker. Anybody that tells you different is just spewing out Bro science with no facts. Masteron accretes protein at the same rate as any other steroid. So yes you can bulk with Masteron!

    Tip 2:
    Consistency is key. No you don’t need to change your workout every 8 weeks. Progressive overload is key. Do the same movements every week and progressing on either weight, reps, or intensity is the secret to growth. Shocking the muscle with muscle confusion using different exercises is not a thing. You can’t confuse the muscle into growth. It’s demanding more out of the muscle using the same exercises over and over and over. I’m not saying you can’t incorporate new exercises to help promote growth but they need to be consistently used for months on end.

    Tip 3:
    Nutrition is more important than AAS. If you get this wrong no matter how much AAS you use you won’t get the results you are wanting. Time and time again I see gym rats using steroids and maybe puff up with water retention initially but don’t change after years of usage. You must constantly be in a caloric surplus to grow. Food will have to go up once progress stalls. That sometimes can happen after a few weeks. Make sure you put more effort into planning your nutrition than you do with your steroid cycle.

    Lastly make sure you pick a solid source that you can count on with quality products. During my journey in pursuit of my IFBB pro card I knew I could count on the products delivered by EP. Removing as many obstacles or concerns during my journey made it that much easier. I knew that nutrition and training was the only thing I had to focus on.

    Thanks again to Euro Pharmacies for the years of support!

    How it started, where it is today! 240 to 281lbs off-season

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Excellent advice. Especially about oxidative stress which is normally over-looked.
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I am surprised that the extra estrogen from test above 400 did not have noticeable differences.

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  4. #4
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  5. #5
    killionb12's Avatar
    killionb12 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am surprised that the extra estrogen from test above 400 did not have noticeable differences.

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    Oh it did but negative sides. Nothing good came from it. Now that being said everyone is different. Some people can tolerate a lot more. I believe the best responders to Exogenous Test don’t need much especially those top pros.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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