I recently started taking Sustaex 275 from XT lab. I have been hitting my glutes and injecting 1/2 CC every 3rd day with intention of going up to 3/4 CC every 3 days to put me over 410mg/ week. (Also running Var at 30mg/ day and will go up to 40mg/day; .5mg Arimidex m,w,f)

I have done many cycles in the past and understand that with a Test blend that includes prop, I'm going to get some pain and soreness but this seems more sore than usual. I am still sore when I'm ready to hit the same spot six days later.

It has been several years since I've used oils and my guy is telling me that it could take a few weeks for my body to adapt. He said another guy had the same issue and he suggested that I go down to a quarter CC until my body adapts. I feel like 1/2cc is low enough.

There is no redness and it is not warm to the touch so infection is not the issue.

Anyone have thoughts on this or have experience with XT Lab Sustaplex 275??