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Thread: finding a doc

  1. #1
    porscheguy is offline New Member
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    finding a doc

    Hi, I would like to start TRT but I can't seem to find a doctor in my area that is willing to co-operate. my test level is mid 400 (43 years old) which he said is OK. I do suffer from many of the symptoms of low T but he is unwilling to git it a try. I did read the book the Testosterone Syndrome and it is quite informative. I would like to take the treatment under a doctors supervision if at all possible, but I am getting frustrated by doctors that have no concern for a persons wishes or overall wellbeing and happiness. any sugestions?

  2. #2
    lowt is offline New Member
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    Good Luck

    I struggled to find a Dr that helped. My T was in the mid 200's at the age of 28, and my endo said we may look at starting you on androgel (I was depressed and had not wanted sex for 6 months). Consquently I left this Dr and have actually found a person that although he is not perfect he at least listens.

    My suggestion is to see if there is a compounding pharmacy near where you live, call them and ask who specializes in T therapy in your area.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    your an excellent example of someone with relatively decent hormone levels (as compared to some that I see hear on TRT) respective to your age anyway, but you may be far far from your healthy levels of your prime or around there

    there are alot of docs that i've seen turn men away with less levels than that...i had to shop around for 6 months b4 paydirt...and yes as vermin stated oasis is an hrt clinic that provides the services you are seeking and low T had a great idea that i never thought of....i just started calling docs in my insurance network and asking specifically if they would handle my TRT

    p.s. just started reading that book too...think a lot is going to be remedial since i live on this site'll most likely will absorb a lot here

    wish you the best bro

  5. #5
    porscheguy is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the encouraging words, I will keep looking, It's hard sometimes when you live in a smaller community, there tends to be alot of resistance to new ideas. I would like to hear from some guys with similar levels as mine that are getting TRT to se if they realy think it is helpfull. has your overall quality of life improved?

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by porscheguy
    Thanks for the encouraging words, I will keep looking, It's hard sometimes when you live in a smaller community, there tends to be alot of resistance to new ideas. I would like to hear from some guys with similar levels as mine that are getting TRT to se if they realy think it is helpfull. has your overall quality of life improved?
    my levels were a little lower 298 total T but these are just numbers....what's low to some may not be to others....HUGE IMPROVEMENT IN QOL....definately worth checking IMO to see if hormones are in check.

  7. #7
    porscheguy is offline New Member
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    Thanks, I am really interested in a better quality of life and if I get stronger in the process that is an added bonus. I do hit the gym about 3 or 4 times a week and I think the Test would help me along a bit.

  8. #8
    porscheguy is offline New Member
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    Well, I just got back from my PCP and he finally gave me a scrip for androgel . I guess persistant requests seemed to sway him. we are going to start with the 5g packets and see how things go, I think I will need the higher dose but you never know. in the past my doc has been very much against test therapy but today he said ok. he must be in a good mood or something. has anyone had any success with the 5g androgel ? thanks.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by porscheguy
    Well, I just got back from my PCP and he finally gave me a scrip for androgel . I guess persistant requests seemed to sway him. we are going to start with the 5g packets and see how things go, I think I will need the higher dose but you never know. in the past my doc has been very much against test therapy but today he said ok. he must be in a good mood or something. has anyone had any success with the 5g androgel ? thanks.
    he should have given you some samples too...have you checked how much it is with your insurance some insurance pay more for the equally efficient product Testim and if so you can get hime to change the script to save you some dough...I always got samples, too....the stuff is expensive

    a lot of us on here started on the ole 5mg ED packets.....i noticed slight increases but was still lacking and feeling incomplete....wasn't til i started jabbing til i was "well" can get a lot more into your system with injecting, but congrats on step one

    you never mentioned in detail what symptoms of low T you were mostly concerned with....i think that i've read more posts of androgel helping with libido, etc. type probs

    good luck bro

  10. #10
    Spyke is offline Associate Member
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    Keep in mind that some alot of guys feel worse on the androgel 5's then before. This is because even the androgel 5's can shut down your natural production. Injections are the best . Tell your dr that you are worried about getting the test in your wife and kids.

  11. #11
    porscheguy is offline New Member
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    I am lucky that my insurane will cover the scrip, I do have a small co-pay. the symptoms are lack of libido, low energy level, los of strength, and generally feeling a little down. I did read in Dr. Shippens book that he don't recomend the injections. but it sounds as if most guys on this site like them. I am hoping that thus is a step in the right direction, and he will be open to other options in a few months after some follow up blood work. how long before I notice anything on the 5g androgel ?
    Thanks again

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by porscheguy
    I am lucky that my insurane will cover the scrip, I do have a small co-pay. the symptoms are lack of libido, low energy level, los of strength, and generally feeling a little down. I did read in Dr. Shippens book that he don't recomend the injections. but it sounds as if most guys on this site like them. I am hoping that thus is a step in the right direction, and he will be open to other options in a few months after some follow up blood work. how long before I notice anything on the 5g androgel ?
    Thanks again
    glad u have good insurance...i never finished the book yet, i am surprised to hear that the injections are frowned on and yes most do prefer them asked about noticing from the gel, keep in mind that it is again another individual thing...don't know if it matters where your levels are or not but i felt improvement in all the symptoms you mentioned on that small dose of 5mg, but it was definately slight and new i needed more somehow....when i got retested after 14 days on 5mg, my test level went down and the doc wanted to be more patient but I upped it to 10 and did another blood test with another doc and levels were much better....something like total test 700 and again, slightly more improvement....see where i'm going with this?
    Wish u the best, though....keep us posted

  13. #13
    porscheguy is offline New Member
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    Hello all, Well it has been about 5 weeks since I started taking 5mg of androgel daily. I just recieved my latest blood work back and my level actually went down. I didn't apply the gel the morning I gave blood. but it did drop from about 525 to 405 total. could this just be a freak thing, I know that your levels can change a little from day to day. even with the drop I can deffinitally feel the difference, I have better muscle tone and my sore back feels alot better. still I think I need to up the dose to 10mg/day but I don't think my DR. will go for it. he keeps saying that Test. replacement causes prostate cancer. I don't believe that but trying to convince him of that is another story. so I go back for a follow up in about 7 more weeks and hopefully I can talk him into upping it to 10 mg. otherwise I will stay on the 5mg dose and look for another DR. that is a little more open minded.

  14. #14
    zipster_dude's Avatar
    zipster_dude is offline Associate Member
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    Wow! I got really lucky. I went to my doc on the first visit and discussed the symptoms of low test but did not mention it directly. I did tell him that I was diagnosed with low test in the military "and did some sort of a shot" once a week.

    He ran me through blood work panels, and I got back with him the next week and found my test levels to be about 304. (at age 28) My wife came with me on the next visit and we "discussed" the test review and my doc said he would try me out on some injections.

    He prescribed my test c 10ml with with 3 refills before 7/07.

    Two doctors visits with lab work- $60

    RX charge for co-pay at pharmacy- $10

    Cool ass doc---------Priceless

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by zipster_dude
    Wow! I got really lucky. I went to my doc on the first visit and discussed the symptoms of low test but did not mention it directly. I did tell him that I was diagnosed with low test in the military "and did some sort of a shot" once a week.

    He ran me through blood work panels, and I got back with him the next week and found my test levels to be about 304. (at age 28) My wife came with me on the next visit and we "discussed" the test review and my doc said he would try me out on some injections.

    He prescribed my test c 10ml with with 3 refills before 7/07.

    Two doctors visits with lab work- $60

    RX charge for co-pay at pharmacy- $10

    Cool ass doc---------Priceless

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