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  1. #1
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2004

    getting trt while on tren

    for me to get further testosterone from my doc i have to prove my test levels are low under 7 . is their anyway i could drop the test and still be running something else like tren or masteron and have it not affect my testosterone bloodtest results so i can continue my trt . or will the tren show up as having extremely high androgen levels which shows im using something. ????????

  2. #2
    yom is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    yom is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    for me to get further testosterone from my doc i have to prove my test levels are low under 7 . is their anyway i could drop the test and still be running something else like tren or masteron and have it not affect my testosterone bloodtest results so i can continue my trt . or will the tren show up as having extremely high androgen levels which shows im using something. ????????
    Yea, you can continue with the test. Just add Deca it will zap your
    test levels down big time. It's actually a good way to get your doc
    to increase weekly test dosage.

  5. #5
    zipster_dude's Avatar
    zipster_dude is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^^^ What dose and how often before test is given should we shoot the deca ? Does it take 6 days to lower test?

  6. #6
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Don't take more Deca than test. I would wait a few weeks for Deca to kick
    in. You don't want your levels to be to low. You could order some
    Nandrogel for some HRT clinic. I think it has short or no esters. (not 100%
    positive) Like test gel. I'm not an expert on esters. They take turns firing
    kind of like time release meds. I think your question asked for something
    quick cause (you mentiond 6 days). I was taking test, and 50mg anvar
    daily and thought my test levels were over 1500, it turned out, because of
    the Deca that they were only 500 so doctor increased my test to 200mg

    I don't know what dose you are taking but remember that Deca will stay
    in your system a month and be detectable for a year. So when you go
    on PCT be sure to stop Deca two to four weeks first. Some people taper
    some want to come off everything all at once.

  7. #7
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2004
    true . i thought deca and tren lowered sex drive and supresses natural testosterne levels . but i dont think itll lower artificial testosterone will it . ????
    anyways ive stopped testosterone a few days ago and added 200mg tren e0d and im gonna wait 4 weeks and get the bloodtest even while using the tren . im wanting my test levels to be zero and no detection of the tren . will it work ?????????

  8. #8
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2004

  9. #9
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    No it wont lower artificial testosterone . Take any roid you want except test and the reading should be low cuz they are testing for testosterone, not the frankenstien steroids us bodybuilders use. But taking any kinda test, cyp, enant, sust, prop, etc, will screw you. You would get a high or normal reading, and yes of course "fake" test will show up. How do you think they test the levels for hrt? Ufa...taking deca has no affect on exogenous test, only endogenous test. It may still afect sex drive though through its prolaction and progesterone properties

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