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  1. #1
    Halfcenturian's Avatar
    Halfcenturian is offline Associate Member
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    Low dose Deca along with TRT?

    Anybody run low dose Deca along with TRT?
    I'm coming off cycle 750 Test, 600 Deca with great results.
    Especially joint pain relief. So could I add 150 Deca to my 250 cruise cycle?

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    you're wanting to run deca long term? ..i haven't heard many post of using deca long term, only as a cycle on top of the hrt but for cycle lengths...but i'm definately subscribed to this thread

  3. #3
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halfcenturian
    Anybody run low dose Deca along with TRT?
    I'm coming off cycle 750 Test, 600 Deca with great results.
    Especially joint pain relief. So could I add 150 Deca to my 250 cruise cycle?
    I do. (as long as blood work is excellent) why not?

  4. #4
    scott2393 is offline New Member
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    Just started actually so I have no advice or experience to share yet. I read all the research on how deca might regenerate collagen/tendons/cartilage etc. Well I shattered my humeral head, cut my tendons and shredded my cartilage (actually "I" didn't, a pickup truck did) I thought I'd - you know - just give deca a whirl since I have nothing to lose. BTW I chose 100 mg as my weekly dose for 24 weeks based on some research I read so that shouldn't make me bulk up but it should help the shoulder work better. The only thing that concerns me is that dec is really suppressive but that is why God made HCG . I'll try and post updates on this thread if anything interesting happens.

  5. #5
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    I've been on low doses of test and low doses of deca for the last 6 weeks or so because of a similar situation. A pickup truck fvcked up my shoulder as well. Only like 7 weeks after the accident and I am already back at the gym, feeling great, and looking even better than I did before the accident. It's good stuff dude. By the way, I am taking 100mg of deca each week.

  6. #6
    scott2393 is offline New Member
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    Oh seven weeks, how nice for you. I had surgery every three months for a year and a half, I can't raise my arm above my head, and the doctors are "hoping" that my bones don't fall apart and need replacement before I am 50. But on the upside, I get to be in the medical journal because only a handful of people have ever had this bad a fracture repaired before - ever.

    OK do NOT take that personally. I'm really glad ur getting better. But life has sucked since this F***ING accident and I will use any excuse to bitch and moan a little. I swear man, just bitching - totally not personal and good for u on your recovery.

    But on a serious note, what kind of accident was it? vehicle/vehicle because mine was vehicle/bicycle. Fvkking New Jersey - it is true - ppl can't drive in Jersey.

  7. #7
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott2393
    Oh seven weeks, how nice for you. I had surgery every three months for a year and a half, I can't raise my arm above my head, and the doctors are "hoping" that my bones don't fall apart and need replacement before I am 50. But on the upside, I get to be in the medical journal because only a handful of people have ever had this bad a fracture repaired before - ever.

    OK do NOT take that personally. I'm really glad ur getting better. But life has sucked since this F***ING accident and I will use any excuse to bitch and moan a little. I swear man, just bitching - totally not personal and good for u on your recovery.

    But on a serious note, what kind of accident was it? vehicle/vehicle because mine was vehicle/bicycle. Fvkking New Jersey - it is true - ppl can't drive in Jersey.
    People are mean spirited and don't want to drive properly. F__k them.

    I think you should explore the beneifits of GH. If you are diabetic you
    have to take extra precautions. GH is a healer.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    People are mean spirited and don't want to drive properly. F__k them.

    I think you should explore the beneifits of GH. If you are diabetic you
    have to take extra precautions. GH is a healer.
    Agreed....seems like there are more and more ppl on the road every day....i wonder where they're coming from....oh, but i guess it'll be ok...we'll just get their fvkin DNA

  9. #9
    Halfcenturian's Avatar
    Halfcenturian is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    I do. (as long as blood work is excellent) why not?
    Sweet. since I'm over 50. Done with kids. Don't see the point of PCT anymore.
    The lack of joint pain is fukcing amazing. It has allowed me to increase weights I never thought I could lift. Going for 20" arms.

  10. #10
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott2393
    Oh seven weeks, how nice for you. I had surgery every three months for a year and a half, I can't raise my arm above my head, and the doctors are "hoping" that my bones don't fall apart and need replacement before I am 50. But on the upside, I get to be in the medical journal because only a handful of people have ever had this bad a fracture repaired before - ever.

    OK do NOT take that personally. I'm really glad ur getting better. But life has sucked since this F***ING accident and I will use any excuse to bitch and moan a little. I swear man, just bitching - totally not personal and good for u on your recovery.

    But on a serious note, what kind of accident was it? vehicle/vehicle because mine was vehicle/bicycle. Fvkking New Jersey - it is true - ppl can't drive in Jersey.
    I was driving a CBR, going about 80k or something like that when I passed someone and returned to my lane only to see someone driving their pickup truck on the wrong side of the road. The douche bag followed my movements exactly... I turned left so he could get out of my lane and he turned into me, then I turned right and he did it again. No more chances after that, I hit the fvcker head on.

    Luckily he was only going about 20k or so. I was in the ICU for a few days and then in bed for about the next three weeks. Now, I'm back to the gym already. Amazing stuff.

    Good luck in your recovery man, give GH a shot, I was thinking of doing the same, but it turns out I don't need it. All the best dude.

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