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  1. #1
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    Need a little help.

    I know I can find this info doing a bunch of searches. I admit it. I'm lazy. Did my second shot yesterday. Since starting I have put on 16 pounds. Now I know that isn't muscle. Can you gain 16 pounds of fat in two weeks? I eat pretty clean so I don't think it's that. Gotta be water.

    I have HCG that I have no idea how to use. Anastrozle (sp) as well. Would such a low dose of test cause me to retain so much water?

    Gotta admit. Weights in the gym have gotten MUCH lighter. Doing hammer curls with 70 pounds and loving it.

    Some input would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    harveyjblch is offline Junior Member
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    I didnt think that a lose dose of test would gain you 16 lbs. I think it is proly water. Are you taking any arimidex , (antiestrogens) or something like that.
    That would help. One of the clincs that talked to was wanting to scrib arimidex every 3 days while on test along with winny.
    Are you doing any cardio and drinking plenty of water?

    not sure how to hcg but the clinic also suggested to use it after you do your cycle. I think you use the small needles (like insulin needles and inject in the lower part of the a**omen.

    hope this helps some....

  3. #3
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    I don't think there's any way in hell that 200mg a week would put 16 pounds on in two weeks. I agree. I'm pretty positive it's water.

    I got my order and was ready to start right at the ***** blowup. Not gonna bad mouth either side but lets just say I'm not any closer to knowing what to do with the anastrozle (sp) and HCG . I've gotten some ideas from reading other people's posts but would like more input.

    I drink nothing but Crystal Light. Lots of it. So I get my fluid intake for sure.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    steve...never heard of such a weight gain....except like on the maury pouvich you feeling so far with your two doses....any mood changes...weights are getting lighter that's good...

    about the anastrozole....what is (sp) sorry....i got name brand anastrozole (arimidex ) and it comes 1mg tabs

  5. #5
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    That's what I have. 1mg anastrozle tabs. I feel great. Libido is up. No major mood changes. Weights are DEFINITELY lighter. Wife is noticing my shoulders are starting to have the appearance of being wider than my waist.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    that's good....all sounds good...the weight is a mystery...weight is weird like that....i monitor my calories pretty closely and have lost weight when upping calories and gained weight when reducing calories....yours sound like a lot of water...drink a lot of water with your crystal light...i'm a big sugar free koolaide drinker when at home with meals, but I drink water like a fish at the gym

    how much anastrozole are you taking currently...not sure exactyly what your asking about it...without knowing your estrogen levels it is hard to tell how much to take....i know i needed it after starting injectible test and thank goodness you got it

  7. #7
    liftin4life's Avatar
    liftin4life is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman
    that's good....all sounds good...the weight is a mystery...weight is weird like that....i monitor my calories pretty closely and have lost weight when upping calories and gained weight when reducing calories....yours sound like a lot of water...drink a lot of water with your crystal light...i'm a big sugar free koolaide drinker when at home with meals, but I drink water like a fish at the gym

    how much anastrozole are you taking currently...not sure exactyly what your asking about it...without knowing your estrogen levels it is hard to tell how much to take....i know i needed it after starting injectible test and thank goodness you got it
    StevePJC.........I'm not surprised at that weight gain at all. When I went on TRT at 115mg/wk...I put on 33lbs in 10 weeks (some water, but mostly solid). I was coming off of a CKD (ketogenic) diet and started the test at the same time. 26lbs were gained in only 10 days...then I dropped 8 down to 18 gained...then gained another 15 over the next 6 weeks. So...some is water, some is muscle...but don't be alarmed by any means. My cals were only 2200 clean the entire time for that 33lb gain!

    On another note...JPK...what's up man?

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    StevePJC.........I'm not surprised at that weight gain at all. When I went on TRT at 115mg/wk...I put on 33lbs in 10 weeks (some water, but mostly solid). I was coming off of a CKD (ketogenic) diet and started the test at the same time. 26lbs were gained in only 10 days...then I dropped 8 down to 18 gained...then gained another 15 over the next 6 weeks. So...some is water, some is muscle...but don't be alarmed by any means. My cals were only 2200 clean the entire time for that 33lb gain!

    On another note...JPK...what's up man?
    hey bro...i was thinking the same thing when i saw your screen name pop here man....been ok?

  9. #9
    harveyjblch is offline Junior Member
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    It sounds like it is working for you... I am really not sure how to use the other stuff until I get my scrips. I am sure someone will chime in with the answers that you need.

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