So, you've done a textbook-correct Post Cycle Therapy and your natural testosterone levels are still shitty; now what?

Doctors say "just wait a few months/years and natural levels MIGHT come back up again." This is NOT acceptable, needless to say.

Would regular administrations of H.C.G. be of benefit? At what dosage and at what frequency?

Heavy use of bulkers (Anadrol , D-bol) in the past, and... longer than recommended... cycle lengths, to say the least.

I'm 36 years old and have been cycling since college graduation, about fifteen years total.

Last cycle was 16 weeks:
750mg. Test. Cypionate / week
500mg. Deca / week
50mg. Anadrol-50 / day for first five weeks

P.C.T. was Hooker's modern new-standard PCT:

Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
6 20mgs/day

Test. levels were 60 at end of last cycle. Took four months off and test. levels had increased to 90!! (300 to 900 is normal, with 600 average.)

Was sick of waiting so I did my cycle & P.C.T. (above) and am back at test. levels of 60.

Am I ready for permanent H.R.T.? Is P.C.T. supposed to result in a return to normal, healthy test. levels?

Is it time for permanent HRT?

Ideas? Experience? Feedback?


(I posted this in the P.C.T. forum already, but think there may be more helpful information from the guys who frequent the H.R.T. forum.)