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  1. #1
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    TRT and Muscle Cramping

    Anyone experience muscle cramping either while on cycle, TRT, or just plain from working out.
    The last couple of weeks I have experience cramping in the targeted muscle group(s) for that day the night of the workout itself...doesn't really last into the next day or effect next day's workout but the cramps are pretty uncomfortable and unusual for me and I am just unfamiliar with this symptom. It is not a soreness like you get maybe for a few days after a hard workout...i don't usually even get sore, i recover pretty well
    I'm just wondering/worried if this could get worse or does it mean i'm hitting the areas really good and it's a good thing or what
    I mentioned it to a personal trainer and he asked what i thought he would and yes I drink a shiat load of water, then asked if i had been drinking a lot of alcohol...but i really have only had a few here and there but yes maybe a little more in this time frame but only like a pitcher of draft twice a week. Think it could be the problem?
    Stength has gone up a little bit as well lately...been hitting it pretty hard and got my TRT reved up a bit to 300mg test cyp EW and 1mg arimidex ED...i'm even wondering if since arimidex eliminates bloat if this could also cause the cramps?
    Any body got any similar experience or advice?

  2. #2
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    Hey Jpkman,
    It's definitely an electrolyte imbalance. The cause can be many. High E2..low E2..overtraining....muscle/electrolyte depletion..maybe taking a day or 2 off would help.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by fbcoach
    Hey Jpkman,
    It's definitely an electrolyte imbalance. The cause can be many. High E2..low E2..overtraining....muscle/electrolyte depletion..maybe taking a day or 2 off would help.
    so if i'm cramping, are my muscles not getting enough water for max gains...they are being hindered?

    thanks for the imput

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Hey jpkman thats a lot of adex dude, why are you doing so much. At 300mg a week of Test E that is way overkill. 0.25mg EOD should be more than enough

  5. #5
    fbcoach is offline Junior Member
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    It's not just dehydration..your minerals/electrolytes are off. The arimidex may be the cause, or simply overtraining..not just the muscles but your nervous system. Try taking a day or 2 off.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    thanks all...i do take a day or 2 off every week....Kale...i stayed on that dose because last estradiol came back 41 with a range of 0-53 and thought that was a bit high...mind you....i went off test cyp and arimidex for 17 days to get that 41 number

    I don't get tested again til April, so, well, anyway, what is the worst that can come from too much 'dex...hindered gains....I just don't want bloat or anything so i erred on the high dose side...still gaining slightly with strength even on not so clean diet

    come back

    any body else

    thanks bros

  7. #7
    ecs44 is offline Junior Member
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    florida native
    I was on .5 dex every day and got calf cramps so I droped to .25 ed and started drinking gatorade and they have been alot better but I still get them every few days .I am going to check my E and find out where i am at in a couple of weeks .

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