I was wondering how many pro bodybuilder both in their twenties
thirties and older are now on HRT because they juiced?

I know there is know way to know for sure but there are enough people on this board that someone has a idea.

I know that I only juiced twice in my life. Once at 29 and that did not seem to effect me much. I also juiced last year before I turned 40

I did tren and with test and after that my test levels never came back even with PCT.

Even at my age if I had never juiced I think I would have a a few more years for sure before my test levels dropped to 400

Anyway I am just curious because someone here knows some pro or semi pro
bodybuilders or athletes and I can't imagine that Ron Coleman or whoever could be juicing and not need HRT for life.?

Because it is hard to believe that if you have done many cycles that you bounce back off cycle without HRT. Because I only did two short cycles
of course I did one when I was 39 and not several in my mid twenties.

However getting some macho guy to tell you that at the gym is not going to happen unless you and him are pretty good friends and he knows you are on it as well. Most of the time when I have gone to certain gyms where some of the top pros of boybuilding are they will say "what is PCT" or " You do need that" "get 6oxox after you do your prohormone" or my favorite " I have never been shut down"

Any opinions