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Thread: HRT Costs

  1. #1
    sportyharley1200 is offline New Member
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    HRT Costs

    well I got ahold of hrt in Fl. off this site. Sent 300.00 for blood work, and was told by I guess now a salesman that if my levels were low that I would be sent 10mls of test for 100.00. Then the "doc" called said levels were low and that I had a choice between injections or gel. Well to make along story short they were going to send me two tubes 30 days ea. for 420.00. Cause "doctor" fees and such. Not going to pay 420 dallors for six weeks of gel no less...

  2. #2
    chgolatin2 is offline Junior Member
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    100 for 1 10ML bottle of test, they must be crazy! Go underground and you will find some good resources.

  3. #3
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    If you have insurance go see a urologist or endocrinologist. I get my 10ml vial of cyp for a $10 co-pay. If your insurance does not cover hrt then it's gonna be pricey unless you go another route.

  4. #4
    Spyke is offline Associate Member
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    $100 for a 10ML bottle of test is the going rate without insurance. The Dr fees seem a little out of wack though.... You could probably save some cash by going underground like the guy said, but you really don't know what you are getting and run the risk of getting busted. I say find a legit Dr and get a script.

  5. #5
    Spyke is offline Associate Member
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    Just noticed you are in michigan. PM me and I will give you a name....

  6. #6
    sportyharley1200 is offline New Member
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    yes 100.00 is the going rate but what i was saying is they wanted to give me a thirty day tube of gel two of them for 420.00 dallors. Way out of line my sourse dry up so I will be checking a dr. here in michigan and see if insurance will cover. I have two of them one retired military and a union one hope all works out. Oh and spyke thanks but I guess I don't have pm rights yet but will keep you in mind thanks...
    Last edited by sportyharley1200; 07-04-2007 at 09:09 AM.

  7. #7
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Dr. John Crisler's in Michagen. He's supposidly one of the best TRT docs in the US.

  8. #8
    sportyharley1200 is offline New Member
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    hi thanks lacey where is dr. john at i'm near Grand Rapids

  9. #9
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportyharley1200
    hi thanks lacey where is dr. john at i'm near Grand Rapids
    He's in Lansing, so about an hour from you. I'm from Canada and went to him because our health care system sucks sometimes. He was very good, but my GP sqrewed me over, and didn't want to prescribe what Dr.John told him to. GP's are scared of TRT for some reason. Here's his website. It was about a 2 week wait to get in.

    he also frequents a message board on TRT
    Last edited by lacey231; 07-05-2007 at 03:30 PM.

  10. #10
    sportyharley1200 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007
    thanks lacey, i will check it out i have one app. in a few weeks if that don't pay out will get ahold of him.. sporty

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