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  1. #1
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Question 1st shot of CYP....

    Just got first shot of Cyp, after being on Androgel (<---complete Bunk). Doing 200mg every 2 weeks. is this going to be effective? Or should I push for 200mg every week?

  2. #2
    liljuice is offline New Member
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    I would say that it wouldnt be as effective as every week. The big guys will probably tell you the same.

  3. #3
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Cool, tnx, Almost all the stuff I read, says 1x/2x aweek, so I wasnt sure, since I do TRT, but never done a cycle. Will I be able to put some solid mass on at this Dose? or is it just gunna be to get my levels up?

  4. #4
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    I wouldn't go straight to 200mg every week. 100mg ew, or 125mg ew would be a good start and should keep you level. Take that then get tested in a bit to see where you are at.

  5. #5
    groverman1's Avatar
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    I would stick with 100mg/wk then go up depending on your labs. EW injections are sooooooooooo much better than the once every 3 wks my doc wanted. Not as many peaks and valleys.

  6. #6
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Tnx for the advice guys,

    I just got him to switch me to Inj after 6 mnths of Gel, at this point I know I have to be patient, but Im hope he doesnt want to go back to Baby steps with Inj. I have to go into office EOW for shots, trying to get him to let me do it after that, we will see how it goes.

  7. #7
    groverman1's Avatar
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    I had to go in the office once and LEARN how to do them correctly. Funny having to learn how to administer shots as I am a paramedic.

  8. #8
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Into week 2, and feeling really tired and low, any1 get like this only doing 1 inj EOW? first 4-5 days after the inj felt great, full of energy, but now im into week 2, and feeling really Lethargic and tired. Is it cause my levels are dropping? Feels like im crashing.
    Last edited by TrennK; 07-07-2007 at 06:20 AM.

  9. #9
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrennK
    Into week 2, and feeling really tired and low, any1 get like this only doing 1 inj EOW? first 4-5 days after the inj felt great, full of energy, but now im into week 2, and feeling really Lethargic and tired. Is it cause my levels are dropping? Fells like im crashing.
    What did you end up doing? 200mg every other week?

    It takes time for the test to build up in your body, but 100mg EW seem to keep people more stable then Eow injections.

  10. #10
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    my doc makes people inject every 4 days. and if u were low with testosterone , hell yes 100 mg a week will add soem size. not much but id expect to be probly 15-20 lbs heavier 1 year from now considering you are eating to grow and lifting

  11. #11
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lacey231
    What did you end up doing? 200mg every other week?

    It takes time for the test to build up in your body, but 100mg EW seem to keep people more stable then Eow injections.
    Yep, doing 200mg EOW, going tuesday for another shot, but last few days have just felt so tired cant keep eyes open, just wanna crawl back into bed, thats why I was wondering if im crashing, going from a Higher T-lvl from androlgel, to Cyp once every 2 weeks.

    I was on androlgel ED for many mnths b4 I started Cyp Inj.

  12. #12
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    my doc makes people inject every 4 days. and if u were low with testosterone, hell yes 100 mg a week will add soem size. not much but id expect to be probly 15-20 lbs heavier 1 year from now considering you are eating to grow and lifting
    When I started trt, my T-lvls were under 200.

  13. #13
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah dude ur valleying with your levels thats why ur tired as shit. id get on 200 mg per week, but thats just me.

  14. #14
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    yeah dude ur valleying with your levels thats why ur tired as shit. id get on 200 mg per week, but thats just me.
    Yea, I had a feeling that was the case, but figured Id ask to make sure. I just didnt relies id yoyo so fast, since im only 10 days in from 1st shot.
    Last edited by TrennK; 07-07-2007 at 06:22 AM.

  15. #15
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    eheh dude, yeah ur gunna valley 10 DAYS after a cypionate shot. the peak is like 3 days in, its downhill from there!

  16. #16
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    can't you tell your doctor you can't come in so often're gonna miss too much work and get fired or something or afford so many office visits or copays and bring the vial home from here on out

  17. #17
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman
    can't you tell your doctor you can't come in so often're gonna miss too much work and get fired or something or afford so many office visits or copays and bring the vial home from here on out
    I have already said that to him, hes making me come in for 3 visits, Then says we can take it from there, he didnt even wanna do shots at first, but I told him, if he didnt wanna do it, just say so, and I go to a different Doc. After that Conversation, he sent me to the Pharm, and did 1st shot of Cyp that day, So I guess the thought of loosing my money, had changed his mind.

  18. #18
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    So I go into Docs office today for another shot, apparently it 300mg EOW, and not 200mg like I thought it was, So hes supposed to show me/wife how to do my own shots. But then turns around and says to me, now hes not conferable letting me do my own shots now, and ill have to come in for shots, I was like WTF man, hes been treating me for more then 6 mnths now, and raking up my co-pays(2-3 visits a mnth), if i got to go in for shots 2x a month, its gunna cost me over $600 a yr, if I have to do shots EW, be over a grand, total BS. Like 90% of his other PN do there shots at home.

  19. #19
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrennK

    So I go into Docs office today for another shot, apparently it 300mg EOW, and not 200mg like I thought it was, So hes supposed to show me/wife how to do my own shots. But then turns around and says to me, now hes not conferable letting me do my own shots now, and ill have to come in for shots, I was like WTF man, hes been treating me for more then 6 mnths now, and raking up my co-pays(2-3 visits a mnth), if i got to go in for shots 2x a month, its gunna cost me over $600 a yr, if I have to do shots EW, be over a grand, total BS. Like 90% of his other PN do there shots at home.
    Find another doctor that will let you do your shots. Then tell your doc you're leaving his practice if he doesn't let you take them home. Sounds like he's just jerking ya around. I'de be pretty pissed to take time off work and pay $600 just so someone else could inject me.
    Last edited by lacey231; 07-11-2007 at 11:32 AM.

  20. #20
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lacey231
    Find another doctor that will let you do your shots. Then tell your doc you're leaving his practice if he doesn't let you take them home. Sounds like he's just jerking ya around. I'de be pretty pissed to take time off work and pay $600 just so someone else could inject me.
    20 mins after I posted this, my Doc called and said After 2 more apps, I should be able to Inj myself, lol, guess my main doc must have told him i called him that day for a # for a new Doc.

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrennK
    20 mins after I posted this, my Doc called and said After 2 more apps, I should be able to Inj myself, lol, guess my main doc must have told him i called him that day for a # for a new Doc.
    i think he probably sensed that you were going to jump ship...but congrats

  22. #22
    justtrnd40's Avatar
    justtrnd40 is offline Associate Member
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    I have been injecting 125mg of test-c a week for about 2yrs and my test levels are 1325. There's no way I would inject once ev 2 weeks. Once a week is the best for blood levels. I think there are some guys that get by with once ev 2 weeks but not the norm.

  23. #23
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by justtrnd40
    I have been injecting 125mg of test-c a week for about 2yrs and my test levels are 1325. There's no way I would inject once ev 2 weeks. Once a week is the best for blood levels. I think there are some guys that get by with once ev 2 weeks but not the norm.
    Yep, ATM Im riding the Crash wave every 2 weeks till Im able to self Inj,
    Then once in able to do it my self, gunna do 150mg EW.

  24. #24
    justtrnd40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrennK
    Yep, ATM Im riding the Crash wave every 2 weeks till Im able to self Inj,
    Then once in able to do it my self, gunna do 150mg EW.
    The sooner the better. Good Luck.

  25. #25
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    So now Im able to do my own at home. What size pins every1 using? He wants me to use 1 1/2" 20g. Isnt that kinda long for the Leg? I was thinking a 1" 25g.

  26. #26
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    ugh god. NO! i use 25 guage 1 inch. I rotate between quads and delts.

  27. #27
    justtrnd40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrennK
    So now Im able to do my own at home. What size pins every1 using? He wants me to use 1 1/2" 20g. Isnt that kinda long for the Leg? I was thinking a 1" 25g.
    You could use the 20ga for drawing your dose out. And then swap to a 25ga 1.5" to inject for glutes. I usually inject once a week and just use glutes. If your going to inject more than that you might want to change up sites.

  28. #28
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
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    Yea, the 20g is not gunna work for injections, my thigh is killing me, feels like some1 hit me across my leg with a baseball bat, Last 2 inj were in the glute, but I got really bad pains on my right side, so he said no more glutes, and quads and delts now.

    Im gunna try to exchange my 20g for 25g at the pharm.
    Last edited by TrennK; 07-26-2007 at 05:43 PM.

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