So today I get my 1st 10ml vial of test cyp after six months of wasted time with up to 10g of androgel ED. My test levels went from 195 to 320. I didn't feel much different.

1. He gives me free
2. He gives me 25g 5/8" pins for a glute injection.....dumb idea

I played the switch around medical game. Well that's what I call it. To get the work done sometimes you need to understand the system. Let me explain.

1. Basic blood panel done showing low test levels. He only ordered free test and total test levels. I argued with him saying I wanted estriadol, prolactin, LH, FSH, PSA and so forth. He tells me it's not needed.
2. So I make an appointment with a endocrinologist who has all the above levels checked ( like they should be while on HRT ).
So now I have a baseline of everything. The endo doc only wants me on androgel.

In summary you have to work the system to get what you deserve.
I get free cialis, free pins and syringes after flirting with the medical assistant and my uroloigst to write me for test cyp.

My only question is he wants me to start at 400mg every three weeks. And he tells me that one day I will be able to come off HRT. Yeah right