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  1. #1
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dr. perscribed andro-gel for 48 yr old girl friend????

    From experience I know about test for men. I have not paid much
    attention to female's taking test to increase Sex Drive.

    I understand the obvious. Facial hair ect. She was perscribed
    small amount daily for 2 weeks then every third night for a week
    or two then back to daily. She was given 11 refils and a follow
    up visit in 3 months.

    I would appreciate any feed back in regards to personal
    experiences and possible problems.

    PM or post. Thanks!

  2. #2
    scubadoo is offline Junior Member
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    well get your money ready for laser hair removal...

    and be ready to take care of her.. she will need to get it from somewhere be sure its you.

  3. #3
    comradebillyboy's Avatar
    comradebillyboy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    From experience I know about test for men. I have not paid much
    attention to female's taking test to increase Sex Drive.

    I understand the obvious. Facial hair ect. She was perscribed
    small amount daily for 2 weeks then every third night for a week
    or two then back to daily. She was given 11 refils and a follow
    up visit in 3 months.

    I would appreciate any feed back in regards to personal
    experiences and possible problems.

    PM or post. Thanks!
    I have seen a number of articles on this. Just as men need some level of estrogen for sex drive, women need some level of testosterone . In men test is converted to est. In women some of their estrogen production is converted to test. At 48, you gf's natural production of estrogen is diminishing and proportionately the conversion to testosterone is also diminishing. At low levels this should be safe. I guess the Dr had to choose whether to do estrogen replacement or small doses of test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    very common, mostly used as a last resort when antidepressants trial fails.

  5. #5
    Pillbass's Avatar
    Pillbass is offline Junior Member
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    It is fairly normal. The Doc has my wife on progesterone+2mg of test and I give her DHEA100mg to get her libido going and fend off menopause. Been doing this for about 1 year and everything is real good. She gets her stuff from a compounding pharmacy the test is some form of yam extract. Yeah she does the laser hair removal but it is toyally woth it to me. The normal amout of test for a women is 2 mg daily.

  6. #6
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    She never was depressed. I had no idea she was even talking to the
    Doctor. She told the Doc she wanted more sex drive. It seems to

  7. #7
    justtrnd40's Avatar
    justtrnd40 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    She never was depressed. I had no idea she was even talking to the
    Doctor. She told the Doc she wanted more sex drive. It seems to
    Ufa, I have a friend that is a few years older and her doc put her on a small amount of test also. She was feeling slightly depressed and had little sex drive. She said it has helped her greatly. Also she is the type that doesn't even like to take aspirin. I was surprised also to hear that she was prescribed the test. But women need some testosterone just as men need some estrogen I guess. Good for you that it is working though isn't it?

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