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  1. #1
    bonangus is offline New Member
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    Gday. If you can pls help.

    Hi everyone,
    Im writing to you all from Australia and am very grateful for any advice you can give me.
    I am a 35year old male. I am very active and either run, run stairs,box or do weights for an hour a day around 6 days per week. Health and fitness is very important to me.
    About 5years ago I lost alot of my size (i was not on steriods ) and would find that once my training was done instead of feeling pumped if I did weights or feeling on a high if I went for a run Id just feel very tired. I have tried taking a couple of weeks of training here and there and its still the same.
    It has effected my sexual life as well as I have ED and need to take viagra. My blood tests come back with my testosterone and free testosterone below the normal on the low side. Oh by the way I hardly ever feel like going out at night any more and feel as though I have lost alot of the energy for life as use to have.

    Im a very aware guy and know that I am not feeling the way I do from over training and its not some type of depression.
    My Doctor is trying me on some Sustanon 250 1ml every two weeks for 6 weeks to see if this will make a difference.

    My questions to you guys is do you think 1ml of Sustanon every two weeks will make a difference ? Is it enough ? Will having 3 injections over a 6 week period be enough for me to feel if its working ? Should I be taking anything else with it ? And finally would it be the low testosterone that is making me feel so flat all the time ?

    Any advice I am very gratefull for.
    Thank You

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Welcome to AR

    125mgs/week of a 4 ester test blend is starting you out a little low, but your doc will probably adjust dosage as needed.

    Average TRT dose is around from 100-200mgs/week so you are in the ballpark and Sust will release at different times in you so you should be able to notice some improvement in your condition in a few weeks.

    If not, then he may increase the dose

    as far as taking anything else, depending on if you are prone to Gyno or not, he may want to have you also take an AI to help keep estrogen in check but with such a low dose it may not be necessary, but something to keep an eye on

    Your symptoms could very well be due to the low test and with TRT you could get back to your old self.

    Keep us posted, and good luck

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    ANother possible cause for you issues is high Estrogen as well. The blood test report will show it as Estradiol, did he test that as well by any chance ?

  4. #4
    bonangus is offline New Member
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    Thank you both so much. I will phone my doctor first thing tomorrow and arrange to get my Estrogen checked because it has not been done. Ill be very interested to find out what it is. Would high Estrogen push my Testosterone down ? And make me feel flat and not like I use to ? I know Im getting a bit ahead of myself but if it is high how do you bring it down and how does it get high ?

    Thanks again. Ive read heaps of the posts over the last few days and it has all been very helpful. The doctors Ive seen over the last few years have been the total opposite and it can be very tough trying to find the right advice.

  5. #5
    lacey231 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonangus
    Thank you both so much. I will phone my doctor first thing tomorrow and arrange to get my Estrogen checked because it has not been done. Ill be very interested to find out what it is. Would high Estrogen push my Testosterone down ? And make me feel flat and not like I use to ? I know Im getting a bit ahead of myself but if it is high how do you bring it down and how does it get high ?

    Thanks again. Ive read heaps of the posts over the last few days and it has all been very helpful. The doctors Ive seen over the last few years have been the total opposite and it can be very tough trying to find the right advice.
    Make sure to ask for Estradiol. High Estrogen could possibly be it. The sust should definitly help though.

  6. #6
    bonangus is offline New Member
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    Gees I hope so. Thanks. Ive written it down so will ask for that first thing tomorrow when I phone the Doc.
    Last edited by bonangus; 07-14-2007 at 10:50 PM.

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonangus
    Thank you both so much. I will phone my doctor first thing tomorrow and arrange to get my Estrogen checked because it has not been done. Ill be very interested to find out what it is. Would high Estrogen push my Testosterone down ? And make me feel flat and not like I use to ? I know Im getting a bit ahead of myself but if it is high how do you bring it down and how does it get high ?

    Thanks again. Ive read heaps of the posts over the last few days and it has all been very helpful. The doctors Ive seen over the last few years have been the total opposite and it can be very tough trying to find the right advice.
    If it is high its easy to bring down, we use a drug called Arimidex and that takes care of it nicely.

  8. #8
    bonangus is offline New Member
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    Thank you. Im kinda hoping that this is what it is as Im fairly sure that I havnt been tested for this. Fingers crossed.

  9. #9
    bonangus is offline New Member
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    Hi, I have another question - What is HCG , and clomid ? Ive tried looking them up but the medical terms go over my head sometimes. Should my Doc be giving me these as well ? They seem to appear in alot of the posts Ive read.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question.

  10. #10
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonangus
    Hi, I have another question - What is HCG , and clomid ? Ive tried looking them up but the medical terms go over my head sometimes. Should my Doc be giving me these as well ? They seem to appear in alot of the posts Ive read.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question.
    Dude Clomid is used to restart your natural Test production when you complete a cycle, in your case thats not an issue as you will always be on. HCG is used to keep your balls up to normal size as they can shrink because they are no longer producing natural test. This doesnt happen to everyone and some people like me dont care, but if you are worried about the size of your nuts then a couple of shots of HCG a week can keep the up to full size.

  11. #11
    bonangus is offline New Member
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    Thank you again Kale very imformative. Cheers mate.

  12. #12
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonangus
    Thank you again Kale very imformative. Cheers mate.
    Happy to help, let us know if you need more info

  13. #13
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Kale your girl has an insane body... she got a sister lol?

  14. #14
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery
    Kale your girl has an insane body... she got a sister lol?
    She has but they are all pretty ugly believe it or not

  15. #15
    bonangus is offline New Member
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    Hi Guys,

    This is where I am up to - Ive just got blood tests back and total testosterone is 7 range is 8-35, Free Test is 23 range is 43 and up, Estridiol is 69 range is 160 and below. These are Australian figures. These were taken before any Sustonan shots.

    My doc gave me another shot of Sustonan 250, 1ml, so thats my third in about 3 1/2 weeks - ( I gave myself a shot last week without my doc knowing ).

    I am on a list to see an Endo ASAP ( when he gets a cancellation ).

    My balls feel as though they have shrunk. Would this happen after only three shots ?

    I really hope the Endo puts me on weekly shots or lets me do it myself as I really dont think from what I have read that I am getting enough Sustonan to make a difference ???

    Also I am now out of Sustonan and didnt ask Doc for more as Im hoping to see the Endo ASAP and get him to prescribe me some more. What is the longest I should go without, before having another shot to keep my levels up and keep things rolling along ? ( i had another blood test today so will get results in a couple of days ).

    Any feed back will be a big help. Im only 35 and have been sitting on the sidelines of life for around 5 years now, its only my positive attitude that keeps getting me through. Any advice will be a big help. Thank You
    Last edited by bonangus; 07-24-2007 at 07:19 PM.

  16. #16
    bonangus is offline New Member
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    I feel as though my balls have shrunk some more. If I go to my doctor about this I hope that he knows what to do.

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