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  1. #1
    66cobra is offline New Member
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    Arimidex Results!

    Ok I posted a few months back and just got back from the Endo. I got my results of taking Arimidex 1mg ED for the past two months. Here are the results.

    LH level from 1.1 to 8.2 MIU/ML
    FSH level from 0.7 to 6.1 ""
    Estrogen from 87 to less then 20 PG/ML Concern?
    Prolactin 2.7 to 17.4 NG/ML concern?
    Cortisol 1.7 to 19.7 UG/DL
    Free Testosterone 83 to 200 pg/100ml
    Total Test 152 to 638 NG/DL WOW!!!!

    First blood test date 05/07/07 Second blood test date 07/23/07

    I am a little concerned about my estrogen level being low since I am a little tired some times.

    My Prolactin is a little high also.

    After the second blood test was performed I started 500IU of HCG ED. I just got my blood taken today again to see if the HCG improved my results. I also am concerned about my cholesterol level and had a blood test for that to.

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Looks like it certainly helped the free test levels out a lot. as for estrogen and prolactin, i'm not sure if those are danger levels or not, hopefully someone else can comment on this.

  3. #3
    66cobra is offline New Member
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  4. #4
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Have you seen my bloodwork sticky ???? This should help you with all the info you will ever need on bloodwork...

    ALL you need to know about bloodwork


  5. #5
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Great bro, happy to hear that. I am in the same situation, been on it for about a month now, and hope to have your kind of results.

    How are you feeling, do you feel the difference going that much higher in T levels?

  6. #6
    66cobra is offline New Member
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    Yes I feel MUCH better now coming up from the low 150's. My arms chest and shoulders have increased in size dramatically. I have gained about ten pounds of muscle. Hope all goes well will you. Good Luck.

  7. #7
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    Wow, must almost feel like you on cycle!! I am a month into mine, but not feeling too much different. When did you start feeling the change??

  8. #8
    66cobra is offline New Member
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    It took about six weeks feel a difference and eight weeks to see the muscle size difference. And get this I have not touched a weight in over three years. I am very limited to physical activity because of two ruptured discs in my lower back. I should be having surgery very soon and can't wait to get back in the gym. If workmans comp would get off there ass I should be having my surgery next month. Hopefully.

  9. #9
    tvd220 is offline Member
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    ok, good to hear. Yea, with you test levels going up that much, muscle will just grow, imagine if you were in the jym!
    Alright, the best of luck to you, keep in contact.

  10. #10
    Moab is offline New Member
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    I posted about arimidex a while back and was told .25 per day should suffice. My HRT doc said they would not give me a higher dose than two 1mg tablets per week. (which is about .25 per day) I've been wanting to take more as I'm really bloated. On test cyp for trt. But afraid too because of the warning they gave.

    But my HRT clinic doesn't really monitor the prescriptions they write so I get a bit more cyp than prescribed. Maybe I missed a wink when they were telling me about the arimidex(?)

    I know I will monitor my bloodwork. But what is a safe level of arimidex? Generally, I know it was change person to person and what your on.


  11. #11
    Jay J is offline Junior Member
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    I have been on TRT for 3 years now. One thing to watch out for is your estro levels. They should hover around 20. If you get down to the 12, 10 level or lower it will make you feal as bad or worse than low T levels. No sex drive, very tired, etc. Hope this helps.

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