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  1. #1
    boslogan is offline New Member
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    Stupid newbie question about TRT

    Hey guys. New to the board (obviously) and I hope to hang around and learn a lot but probably post a little - kind of a shut up and listen deal.

    Anyway, started TRT a couple weeks ago with the standard 200mg of depo-test after the topical gel didn't seem to really do much. I don't know if one injection can really make a difference but to me, about 2 days later I felt great. I mean really good. My sex drive was back (thank God) and my confidence levels were up and I was just generally a happy camper. Naturally, as the days went on, the feeling wore off and then it was a couple days until my next injection.

    Fast forward to my next injection (11 days between them) - it's been 4 days since and I don't feel it at all. Sex drive is low again and I just don't have that same great feeling of well being I had last time. Basically nothing. Just out of curiosity I called the doc and left a message with the nurse. She said to make an appointment to come talk to the doc about it, naturally. This is getting to be a pain...

    So I guess my question is, is this normal? Should I have felt as good the second time as I did the first? I guess I'll see what the doc says. I don't know...sorry for such a long winded second post.

  2. #2
    LmbrJak is offline Junior Member
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    Dont know why you would feel better after first injection, psychological maybe?

    If your taking test e or c you need to give it some time to build up in your system.

    I would also change to a once a week dosing protocol other wise youll be on a hormonal rollercoster ride

  3. #3
    2bshredded's Avatar
    2bshredded is offline Member
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    Depo is ester as test c or e, regardless it maybe the first shot was like the placebo was for me. Test in that ester take a while to kick in, I would say just hang on and see what happens in a month or 6 weeks.
    How old are you?

  4. #4
    2bshredded's Avatar
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    Depo is ester as test c or e, regardless it maybe the first shot was like the placebo was for me. Test in that ester take a while to kick in, I would say just hang on and see what happens in a month or 6 weeks.
    How old are you?

  5. #5
    boslogan is offline New Member
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    I'm 41. I thought about the placebo effect too. I even mentioned that to the nurse when I talked to her. Looks like that may be the case here though I thought I was pretty good at differentiating between placebo and real, the mind is a powerful thing. Well, not mine maybe but...

    Thanks for your help.

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Get your Estrogen levels checked, if they are high that will be an issue as well. Way to long bewteen injections IMO. I do them twice a week

  7. #7
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    Twice weekly shots are just dumb, I dont know why trt doctors recommend that. I would just half the dose and do that weekly. If it was more than 200mcg I might even do it twice a week...

  8. #8
    boslogan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Get your Estrogen levels checked, if they are high that will be an issue as well. Way to long bewteen injections IMO. I do them twice a week
    Estradiol levels are in the middle of the range, more or less. On the scale they used, from 0-56, mine is 23. Don't really know what that means but it appears normal to look at the numbers.

    My doc won't let me do my own injections. Gotta go in for them, unfortunately, even though I asked a couple of times about doing it myself. He insisted otherwise.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by boslogan
    Estradiol levels are in the middle of the range, more or less. On the scale they used, from 0-56, mine is 23. Don't really know what that means but it appears normal to look at the numbers.

    My doc won't let me do my own injections. Gotta go in for them, unfortunately, even though I asked a couple of times about doing it myself. He insisted otherwise.
    yes...your estro number is good...BUT....wasn't that b4 your 2 injections?....this can change for the worse when you start taking the testosterone injections enough to even make you feel like you did b4 your first shot...that's what kale meant is to keep your eye on the levels as often as you can especially when you are describing how you are feeling...most of us on trt are on estrogen blockers like arimidex

  10. #10
    boslogan is offline New Member
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    Oh, right...gotcha. Thanks for that clarification.

    I don't know - after reading all the posts here and other places I'm not sure I like this doctor anyway. He insists that 200mg EOW, or every 10 days at the least, is THE protocol and he absolutely refuses to let me do my own injections at home or inject me every 7 days.

    Plus the fact that he won't let me inject every week for more stable levels is pretty irritating since it seems like that's what the more up to date docs are doing now a days. I mean, if I know this stuff, he should know it too...right?

    TBH, I'm getting to the point where I'm not sure it's worth the hassle. What's the point of having your levels nice and high for a few days, then crashing for a few days?

    Just to make me feel better, has anyone else gone through these type of hassles when you first started TRT, until you found somebody that's dialed in?

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by boslogan
    Oh, right...gotcha. Thanks for that clarification.

    I don't know - after reading all the posts here and other places I'm not sure I like this doctor anyway. He insists that 200mg EOW, or every 10 days at the least, is THE protocol and he absolutely refuses to let me do my own injections at home or inject me every 7 days.

    Plus the fact that he won't let me inject every week for more stable levels is pretty irritating since it seems like that's what the more up to date docs are doing now a days. I mean, if I know this stuff, he should know it too...right?

    TBH, I'm getting to the point where I'm not sure it's worth the hassle. What's the point of having your levels nice and high for a few days, then crashing for a few days?

    Just to make me feel better, has anyone else gone through these type of hassles when you first started TRT, until you found somebody that's dialed in?
    yes...alot of ppl who post here have trouble finding a good hrt doc and often go through ************ clinics

  12. #12
    harveyjblch is offline Junior Member
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    Hey guys, I was using one of those clinics in FL. but I found a Internal Medicine doctor here in Houston, they tested my testosterone and all the other stuff on this Wed. and got the results on Fri. They left a message but all I could understand on the message that everything is ok but my cholesterol is a little high and my testosterone came back at 400. the last time i had it check before i went on trt it was in the low 200s. I havent been on trt in about 3-4 months. she wants to give me medicine for my cholesterol and she would like my test levels to be in the 800s. she is going to let me give myself injects and I get all of my meds on my insurance too.

    I will get all the details on Mon when I call them back

  13. #13
    boslogan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by harveyjblch
    I will get all the details on Mon when I call them back
    It's late Tuesday night....what's going on?

    Seriously, I'm interested.

    I may have to find another TRT doc pretty quickly too, not sure yet. I thought I saw a site that had a list of possibilities for TRT specialists in a given area but I can't find it. Sound familiar to anyone? I have a copy of my recent bloodwork - just need a doc who will look at it and write a prescription AND let me inject myself!

  14. #14
    boslogan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman
    yes...alot of ppl who post here have trouble finding a good hrt doc and often go through ************ clinics
    You got edited and I'm not smart enough to figure out what you said. Could you PM me that info if suitable for PM'ing?

    sorry for the inconvenience.

  15. #15
    harveyjblch is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boslogan
    It's late Tuesday night....what's going on?

    Seriously, I'm interested.

    I may have to find another TRT doc pretty quickly too, not sure yet. I thought I saw a site that had a list of possibilities for TRT specialists in a given area but I can't find it. Sound familiar to anyone? I have a copy of my recent bloodwork - just need a doc who will look at it and write a prescription AND let me inject myself!

    check this out

  16. #16
    harveyjblch is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by harveyjblch
    check this out
    a n a b o l i c m i n d s dotcom/forum/male-anti-aging/50967-how-find-new.html

  17. #17
    boslogan is offline New Member
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    Ha! That's it!


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