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  1. #1
    BigMC is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Growth Hormone Dosage?

    My GH came in today, 5mg Saizen. I am a bit confused about the dose. My Dr. says to take .18cc ed and the vial should last a month. I added 3cc of BW to the powder as directed by the Dr. By my math however this is only going to give me 16 days worth at .18cc ed.

    Now that being said, all the research I have ever done regarding GH has reflected IU for measurements. Saizen, and any pharmacuetical grade GH, comes in a mg/ml dose which I dont know how to convert. So when my Dr tells me to take .18cc that is 18IU in my mind. And that sounds like a shit load of GH. So right now I have a 3cc vial of Saizen...5mg total or 5mg/ml? Im a bit hazy on that as well.

    So on an 1cc/100 U insulin syringe if I fill it just below 20? How much is that?

    I need somoene with in depth experience to help me out here.

  2. #2
    kralj321 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I've sent you PM with original Saizen prescribing information.
    Maybe you can find good information on dosage in there.

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